This is a rare humorous post, here, so don’t take it seriously unless you want to.

NEWS FLASH: It has come to the attention of our incredible journalists here at Newsbleat, who never miss a thing and are always so far on top of what’s happening that they need lead weights to keep from drifting off into the void of space, that no one has died of the Flu since the beginning of 2020.

IT’S TRUE!!! Here we are, almost 6 whole months into 2022 and no one is pushing Flu shots, nor have there been any declarations on any of the MSM that IT’S FLU SEASON AGAIN, TIME TO GET YOUR VACCINE. Go into any pharmacy and up to the druggist’s counter and look around. Do you see the signs that used to be there every single year warning you to get your Flu shot? NO, you don’t. So, what do you see? Hmmm?

You see GET YOUR COVID SHOTS signs, that’s what you see. Because either it’s a FUCKING MIRACLE that the Flu has been eradicated, or else THEY DARE TO CALL IT COVID.

Oh, where is Greta Thunberg now when we need her to hiss “How dare you” and scare the shit out of the entire United Nations assembled world leaders.

Gone, gone are those halcyon days when we heard Flu Season warnings and Get your Flu shot 50 times a day on the TV. Of course, why would Pfizer and the others want us to keep getting cheap Flu shots when they could force us to get expensive Covid shots? And force us they did, refusing to let us out of our homes, into restaurants, onto airplanes, into churches, unless we had an Official Shot Card proving that we’d submitted to being injected with a poison.

Yes, they took the Flu, the Common Cold, Toe Fungus, Acute Hangnail, Sunburn and Insomnia, and called them all Covid, and 65% of the people of Earth bought into this bullshit. If the goal of doing this really is for the shots to slowly kill everyone who got one, then we’re going to lose the stupidest part of our population and you have to admit, that’s a pretty good joke on them.

See? Now, didn’t I say at the start of this that this is a humorous post? And I bet you didn’t believe me, did you. Do you now?