Our New Cabal government has just made another move, they’ve set up a website where anyone anywhere in the world can apply for asylum online and gain free entrance to the USA.

Considering that our border with Mexico is now wide open and people are flooding across by the thousands regardless of whether or not they’re criminals or diseased, it seems reasonable to assume that most, if not all people applying for political or other reasons for asylum, will be granted it.

The population of the United States is going to increase faster than it ever has before, and it is doing so now. So let’s look at what this means:

Because the interest rates have gone up so much higher to help slow inflation, home builders are backing off from building new housing. That’s because the higher interest rates make mortgage payments a lot higher, and people mostly just can’t afford to pay it.

Rents are also going up because home values have gone up along with inflation generally. Everything is steadily costing more.

Meanwhile, wages have stayed much the same, so people have less money to spend for anything other than necessities, because of all the price inflation. This means that less products are being sold, which means that companies are making less money, which means that they’re laying off workers instead of hiring more.

Now add millions more foreigners looking for work to our population, and what will be the result of that? The homeless population will explode. Urban overcrowding will explode, crime will explode, diseases will spread, starvation will become normal.

These people are all flocking here because they’re hungry, not because they’re being politically or religiously persecuted. They live in abject poverty. If things were even halfway reasonable for them they’d stay where they’re at. And what always happens when large groups of people migrate? They bring all their problems with them because they caused all their problems themselves, to begin with.

I know that Globalists are running America now and I know that their primary goal is to eradicate most of humanity. So this must be part of that plan. On the surface it doesn’t make any sense at all to bring in hordes of low grade humans to a country that’s already run out of adequate water for it’s cities, that’s already having supply distribution and food shortage problems and an overwhelmed medical system. Add to that a severe housing shortage, soaring rents and job scarcity. What you end up with is heaps of starving, sick people living a Hell on Earth. Dying people. That’s when it makes sense.

The best way to kill a lot of people fast is to first get them all together in one big group. That’s how Hitler did it. The Chinese take a different approach. When they want to kill off a few million surplus citizens they just embargo all the crops. Government agents come in and take all the rice and so forth and leave nothing for the people to eat, and the people die.

So if the Central American population gets thinned out with all those people coming here, and then there’s a massive food shortage here, what could they do?

I may be wrong, there may be a variety of factions working at cross purposes here, and possibly there’s a plan to turn all these new people into really cheap labor for the billionaires to become trillionaires. It would be simple enough to change all the zoning laws so that single family homes can be re-zoned Multi-Family and make it legal and easy to pack 40 people into a 2 or 3 bedroom home. Certainly the big rental corporations would love it. A lot of formerly nice neighborhoods have already been turned into ghettos this way.

The Globalists may not have as much power as they appear to, the Growth freaks have power too, those who want to see humanity continue to increase in numbers regardless of the horrible carnage our Earth suffers because of it, and regardless of the global ghetto it threatens to turn our planet into, because of the wealth it brings them.

Right now we can only watch and see which way this goes.

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