In my school days the teachers used to talk a lot about the Learning Curve, which was a line on a chart that showed if students were falling behind or getting ahead.

In terms of learning how to live within the means of our planet, most of humanity fell behind, including most of the leaders of our planet, and did so for a long time.

That’s ended, at least for most of the “Elite”, the wealthier and much more privileged among us which includes most of the billionaires, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the world.

What prompted this little post was an article link “When people pay for food before they can pay for heat, the system is obviously failing”. Well, the system is failing on purpose, deliberately, and the reason is because if we wait for it to fail of its own weight, if we wait for it to collapse because we’ve bled the planet dry, then it will be too late for all of us including all those rich privileged people, and that’s the last thing they want.

So they’re making the system fail before the weight of excess humanity crushes it. That’s the part you don’t read about in the news and that’s why it’s failing. I’ve been banging away at this subject for years, warning people that there’s too many of us and excess population will bring disaster. Most people either ignored me or told me there was lots of room for billions more people. That only proves to me how stupid most people really are. You can’t keep shitting where you live and expect to stay clean and healthy. All the homeless camps, the tens of thousands of people living on the sidewalks of San Francisco and shitting in doorways and in the streets, as just one example, should have woken us all up a long time ago.

Well, it woke up the Elite and now they’re doing something about it. They’re getting rid of most of us, to save the planet and to save themselves. Who can blame them? It’s past time to get rid of the ghettos, filth and squalor and clean the place up.

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