Ever since I posted on the hilarious behavior of Harry and Meghan and that mess the Brits call the “Royal Family”, Mr. X has been conspicuously absent. I do believe he took offense at my point of view. Not just mine, actually, but the majority of people outside the UK and, I’m sure, plenty of them in the UK as well.

There’s a certain arrogance to mostly the older, Anglo-Saxon Brits, that they haven’t earned and have no right to. They’re like a ragged beggar who is given a fancy new frock coat, their grandiosity is all in their minds.

My ancestry is about 80% from the UK, England and Ireland, specifically, but that doesn’t mean I have some sort of Loyalty to them. I don’t. Their king tried to prevent us from becoming free of his tyranny and a lot of innocent people died as a result of his blockheaded greed and drive for dominance.

Most of my UK ancestors were not good people. There’s only a few of them I have a right to be proud of, one is a western pioneer, and a great grandfather, who did a great deal to help settle the state of Montana.

The British are mostly closed-minded, they live in the past clinging to their faint, faded memories of Empire, which they lost because of their total inability to see other peoples as being equals. Instead they oppressed the conquered the same as they did their own citizens. We see how well that worked out for them.

I think they still hang on to their stupid, philandering, sissified Royal Family because it’s the last vestige of a once proud past.

The plain truth today is that if the USA, which these simpering hypocrites still call “The Colonies”, had not come to their aid when the Germans were beating the holy crap out of them, that they would all be speaking Kraut today, and they should thank their lucky stars that their asshole king failed in his attempt to make the USA part of his poorly run empire.


  1. Who is this mysterious Mr X of whom you speak?

    I didn’t notice any post on Harry etc. Can’t stand the self obsessed bastards, can’t wait to see that South Park episode mocking them.
    Although I quite liked the queen, I am no fan of royalty. Handing them all these privileges because of birth is not a good message to all the welfare scroungers who should get off their arses.

    Most old farts are a bit stuck in the past, but only our own past, not that of our great great great great great grandparents.

    PS It’s x not X, too lazy to press caps key.

    1. Oh THERE you are. Yeah, I liked the Queen too. Half the time I felt sorry for that long-suffering woman, but not too sorry, with all those diamonds and castles. She did seem to be the only one who understood what her role was and stuck to it. Of course she was gloriously paid to do so.
      Anyway, I never expected you to agree with me, mostly because you almost never do.
      Glad you’re still alive, was wondering if you’d doddered off on one of your manky skull hunts and froze to death on some animal trail in the woods.

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