Famous is when someone or something is well-known, known or known about by a large number of people over a large area.

Infamous is being famous for a crime or crimes. But this can be extended a bit. Let’s say you’re already very famous and are then indicted and prosecuted for a crime by your government that you did not commit, and they know you didn’t. They just want to make you look like a bad person.

This is now happening to Pres. Donald J. Trump by a racist Negro District Attorney of New York, and it doesn’t matter if they succeed in convicting him of a crime or not, the prosecution of a U.S. President has never happened before and the very act of doing so has propelled Pres. Trump into infamy.

This may seem a strange thing to say but I’m surprised they’re letting him off this easy. The people of the Cabal really hate him and I expected them to have him killed. But prosecuting him may prove just as final to his political career if they can hang a Felony conviction on him and make it stick, because you can’t run for President as a felon.

It could also be that this is a well-planned distraction from some other moves against the people that our Cabal government is planning. Keep watching.


Meat grown in vats from a protein culture is actual meat that never came from a living animal, but from cells cultured from animals. All the producers of this are claiming that it’s perfectly safe, our Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it is, and all sorts of other governments are promoting it as a safe food.

There’s only one little problem with it.

Normal meat cells cannot be made to self-replicate in a culture medium. They just don’t. But there is a type of meat cell that will. Abnormal meat cells.

We call them “Cancer cells”. Cancer cells are meat cells that start dividing into more and more cells that turn into big clumps called “TUMORS”.

So GUESS WHAT KIND OF CELLS are being grown in the meat culture vats? YES, YOU’RE RIGHT! CANCER CELLS.

You can’t tell me that eating meat grown from cancer cells is good for me. Uh-uh. No.