Most of the fools who still call themselves Democrats don’t want Joe Biden as our President for another four years, and no Republican voters do. In the first place, he’s not acting as President, he’s just a figurehead there to represent the ruling cabal and do as he’s told. He often goes clear off the rails and blurts out things that they don’t want said, anyway. He’s incapable of running this nation.

Then there’s the undeniable fact that the cabal can and will appoint anyone they want to any Federal office. including the Presidency.

With polls showing that only 28% of Democrat voters want him to run again, that means only about 1/8th of all voters like Biden for a second term. In other words, with Biden as the Democrat candidate, the Republican candidate would win in a fair election.

This raises two possibilities, since it’s a given at this point that Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate. The first possibility is that the Cabal really doesn’t care who gains the office of President since they run things anyway, and if they want Biden to sit in that chair again, he will, regardless of what the American public wants.

The other possibility is that they’re having Biden run again so that Trump will be elected, because Trump is so popular. Why would they do this? They would if Trump has agreed to go along with them on their major issues, while Biden is falling apart physically and mentally, and having Trump as President again would make it look like we still have fair elections. Whoever is the next President will only be another puppet anyway.

This looks to me to be the most likely possibility. If you pay attention to what he’s NOT been saying, he doesn’t talk about “draining the Swamp” anymore or crushing China’s economy. He’s still making his biggest issue that of stopping the illegal immigration, but it could well be that by the next election two years from now, the Cabal will have finished whatever it is that they intended with all that illegal influx, anyway.

In any case, the ONLY WAY Donald Trump could ever become our president again is if the Cabal allowed him to. Don’t think for a second that their grip on the ballot box has weakened or that they’d allow it to. It can only have gotten stronger and more efficient.