Just go to Cleveland, Texas where a drunken Honduran ILLEGAL ALIEN just murdered 5 other Hondurans in a house WITH TEN OF THEM living in it.

No, I don’t have anything to prove they’re illegal aliens, I’m assuming that because there’s ten of them jammed into a little house in a little town in Texas and they’re from Honduras according to the story, and the drunk murderer with a rifle lived next door to them and has a Hispanic name.

He liked to get drunk late at night and go outside and shoot his rifle. He went to the house next door and killed five of the people in there because someone in that house wanted him to stop shooting so they could get to sleep. Now they’re dead and he’s on the run, most likely heading back to Honduras.

The Yahoo article shows a picture of police bringing out the bodies. The front yard of this house is filled with trashy-looking junk.

These people are not good people. They’re not nation builders, contributors to society, or valuable new citizens. They’re bush people, from slums and ghettos, of low intelligence who were eagerly encouraged by their own government to get out of Honduras and come here and infect our country instead of making Honduras a worse place to live.

The political whine is that they’re being let in to destroy our country, and maybe they are, but I think the real reason is to drive down wages and further enrich those who hire cheap labor like this. The Republican complaint that they all vote Democrat may be true too, but since our votes are worthless now, that hardly matters anymore.

When you have a huge labor force that is unskilled, unintelligent and violent, you have the makings of disaster. I think the Cabal believes that they can control these people, and I think they’re wrong, unless they have plans for mass exterminations when everything goes horribly wrong and these “immigrants” rise up as an ethnic group and threaten THEM.

What all this really is, is a social experiment from Hell. Right now, if all they’re doing is just murdering each other, no one gives a shit. But these people tend to form gangs, and they will. Then watch what happens.