Back to the Globalists… their Reichsfuhrer, Claus Schwab, keeps saying that “A shock is needed” to give their Great Reset a kick-start.

I can’t imagine anything much more shocking to our world than all the crazy crap going on right now, all the politicians, corporations, colleges, pretty much everybody everywhere going Left, with all the Woke insanity and Trans insanity and people encouraging their children to whack their genitals off. It’s all pretty goddamn shocking to someone who never dreamed any of this could ever happen, 20 years ago.

But this isn’t shocking enough? What the Hell does the WEF want, then? If this isn’t enough to do it for them, what is?

Well, there are even more shocking things than the above, I can think of a few easily enough. The first is a global war. Or an invasion from Outer Space. Or, a complete and very sudden collapse of the global economy.

Let’s choose Door Number Three because that’s the most likely. The conditions that triggered the Great Depression that destroyed not just our economy but the whole world’s, are here again. Not all of them, but the few that are different from before do the same job.

First, the global economy is shaky. The Dollar has been the primary monetary unit globally for at least 100 years but now the Chinese Renmimba and the Euro are being used more in global trade. The US is approaching a debt limit deadline of June 1, and if it’s not raised once again, we will default on our debt payments for the first time ever, wrecking our international credit and, according to the money men, causing a massive wave of bankruptcies and unemployment.

This will hit the stock market hard and drive stock prices way down. The collapse of stock prices in 1929 was one of the causes of the Great Depression. Another was the instability of world trade, which we made worse by putting high tariffs on imported goods, causing the exporting nations to retaliate by doing the same to us, driving prices up both ways, which caused sales to drop and profits to disappear.

Also in 1929, the Federal Reserve moved to contract the money supply by raising interest rates, exactly what they are doing again, right now. Making money harder to borrow makes businesses fail for lack of funds, causing unemployment, which causes less sales, which results in less profits for businesses, it’s a Down The Drain spiral.

The USA floodgates have been opened to migrants and millions are pouring in, with no jobs and no place to live. Parks, sports stadiums, school auditoriums, virtually any large space where they can be put is being used to house them, and the government is paying to feed them. In fact it’s our government that has promoted this continuing influx of useless people that are a huge drain on our economy. Hundreds of large retail stores, big one, like Walmart, are closing all over the nation because of shoplifting and looting, being done mostly by blacks who are encouraged to hate Whites by our government.

By increasing the cost of government in this and other ways, our ability to pay our debts is decreased. If we default on our debt, confidence in the Dollar will drop, and therefor the international value of the Dollar will as well. Inflation will skyrocket, the government will print massive amounts of money that is no longer valued to pay our debts and we will become Venezuela.

Then watch as many of the migrants move North to Canada or back South to Mexico and Central America and the rest form crime gangs, while the world plunges into a deep depression and struggles to feed it’s growing masses of poor.

All this could happen if we default on our debt. How’s that for Shock?

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