Blacks commonly call each other “nigger”, while they get violently upset if anyone not black says “nigger”, and this is actually enforced in various ways by our government, in a land where we’re supposed to have Freedom of Speech. It’s true that “nigger” is a racial slur, which explains Negro’s attitude. But it doesn’t mean no one can use it as a slur, whether they should or not. We call each other all sorts of names. “Nigger” is just one of them.

Tomorrow, June 19, is a new, official, Federal holiday supposedly celebrating the day Negro slaves were emancipated at the end of the Civil War.

I call it Nigger Day, which of course is very racist, because that’s what it is, a very racist holiday that actually has nothing to do with the end of slavery in America. It’s official name is Juneteenth National INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Our INDEPENDENCE DAY IS JULY 4TH. This should have been called Juneteenth National EMANCIPATION Day and it should be on Dec. 6th. It was named a second Independence Day to make it comparable to us winning our battle against England in order to become a free nation. That’s right, those assholes dragged our most patriotic national holiday down to this level, the ending of slavery. It was right to end slavery. It’s not right to confuse it with our most treasured national holiday in order to pander to blacks. That’s just racist.

Pres. Abraham Lincoln made his Emancipation Declaration on Jan. 1st, 1863. Our Congress ratified the 13th Amendment to our Constitution, officially ending slavery as a matter of law, on Dec. 6, 1865. Notice that neither of these dates is remotely close to June 19th.

The date was chosen because it was June 19, 1865 that one General Granger led federal troops into Galveston, Texas and declared that the Civil War was over and all slaves were now free. Right. An obscure event that never made the history books, but someone somewhere in Washington D.C. dug it up and there you have it.

I guess our Great Leaders think that if they keep giving the blacks more holidays, that somehow this will cause these Average 75 IQ subhumans to start behaving themselves.

Good luck on that.

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