Watched an hour-long interview between Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk on Twitter yesterday, it was mostly interesting even though Elon is not a facile speaker. He says “so” and “um” a lot and often drifts back and forth with false starts before finally deciding what it is he really wants to express, and articulating it.

That’s an observation, not a complaint because when he finally does come out with his remarks, whatever they’re about, they’re usually brilliant and informative.

HOWEVER…, when Tucker asked him about the possibility of intelligent alien life, his answer was less than open and honest. First, he claimed that no one knows more about space than him because he’s the current forerunner in space technology. Then he said that he’s never seen anything that would make him think that we’re not alone and thinks humans are unique in the Universe.

He did offer the caveat that the development of conscious awareness must be a natural occurrence wherever life arises. Well, yes, Elon, thanks for that at least because if there’s one thing Elon is not, it’s being the top expert on space, let alone alien life. I’m sure there’s many astronomers who know far more about space than he’ll ever learn.

it was mathematically proven years ago that the Universe has to be teeming with life, and intelligent life, even if you discount the absolutely massive evidence that Earth has been continually visited by non-humans for millennia.

Elon lied but he’s forgiven because I realize he had to. SpaceX gets most of it’s funding from NASA, aka, our government, and our government insists in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary of all the different alien sightings and episodes that have been reported for the past 5000 or so years, that UFO’S are swamp gas. If he wants to keep the funds flowing in to SpaceX, then he has to spout the Official Bullshit.

BUT… the fact that he so readily toed the Official line on this makes me skeptical of his China statements and position. He compromises the truth for the sake of profit. Is he doing that with Twitter too, in spite of his assurances that Twitter will be a bastion of Free Speech?

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