“Witness at UFO Hearing Testifies Under Oath ‘Non-Human’ Bodies Have Been Recovered by Gov’t From Crashed Crafts.” “Former U.S. intel officer David Grusch testified before a House Oversight & Accountability subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs panel Wednesday on the subect of UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena)”.

The reason elected members of Congress are listening to what this man says is because he’s for real. He did do everything he says he did, he had Top Secret military intelligence clearance and he’s absolutely unimpeachable. Our Congresspeople want to know what the hell is going on, it’s become too obvious that things are happening on this planet that we aren’t doing but someone is.

I still have an original copy of the Alien Autopsy VHS tape. In it, every single object from the telephone on the wall, surgeon’s tools, autopsy table, clothes, EVERYTHING, is absolutely authentic to the time period including the military camera used in making the film, and the topper is that the film itself is Kodak and has a date code that puts it in the exact time period of the film, of 1947.

It could not have been made recently using old film because that Kodak film type lost it’s emulsion after just a few years if it wasn’t developed. Okeydoke?

Our government naysayers said it’s a fake and all the MSM immediately said that it had been proven to be a fake, without giving a single reason other than someone in our government said so. So right away, all the sheep go “Oh, it’s just a fake.” No, it’s not a fake. It’s an actual movie of an actual alien autopsy.

Why have we been fed bullshit about all this for so many years? Because our generals don’t want enemy generals to know what we have. Advanced technology always has military value.

Our Navy and Air Force pilots and commercial pilots keep saying that they’re seeing more and more UFOs, or UAPs if you prefer, recently. Their activity is visibly increasing. Something must be up, I wish I knew what.

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