Back when Chairman Mao was dictator of China, everybody either walked or rode a bicycle and everybody dressed the same, in loose fitting blue pants and shirts, including the women. Or at least that’s what the photos showed of them that came out of China. Mao, being a rabid Communist, wanted everyone to be dominated by the state and one way to do that is to make them all wear the same uniform. With his passing they no longer have to dress like prisoners, now they’re all imprisoned by the Chinese Social Credit System instead.

The common prison uniform these days is an orange jump suit, a one-piece garment that covers you from the neck to the ankles. Anyone seen in one of those is immediately recognized to be a prisoner of a jail or prison. You can’t just walk down the street unnoticed, dressed like that. You stand out, which makes it easy to catch you and put you back in prison again.

From what searches I’ve done, it looks like Chinese men prisoners are mostly dressed in blue jumpsuits, while the women are in orange ones. Other nations also use orange or blue jumpsuits for their prisoners. Jumpsuits have become a common, internationally recognized prison uniform, whatever their color.

Mao was on to something. A really good way to force the citizenry to be obedient is to simply force them all to wear the same simple, non-expressive, non-creative clothing. Doing this strips people of their personality, their identity. Free people dress according to who they see themselves as. Uniforms take away all that. Simple, unadorned jump suits turns a people into a faceless mass.

So it occurred to me that if we start seeing a movement toward commonality in dress, encouraged by our government, maybe some sort of shame propaganda, like, if you don’t dress like this, then you’re a traitor or racist or Enemy of Earth or some such crap, that this would be a real good indicator that new laws restricting clothing will follow, and more laws, until we’re all in uniform.

Of course, CBDC and the institution of a Social Credit System would probably be happening pretty much simultaneously, and may happen anyway.

Anyway, it was just a thought. It may never happen, I just thought I’d point out the possibility.

A word on Social Credit Systems. They replace much of government by law. You are given a Social Credit score based on how you act, do you speak out against government policies? Do you get to work on time? Do you speak nicely to your neighbors? Are you clean? Keep your hair combed? Do you drink too much? Do you anger easily, start arguments? All this is happily reported by everyone around you all the time, with their smartphones.

A bad Social Credit Score can deny you access to gas stations, grocery stores, better neighborhoods and so on. In other words, a Social Credit System replaces the legal system. You don’t have to break any laws to become an outcast.


  1. Donald Trump:

    “While I was being arrested, I got a firsthand look at the poor and disgraceful conditions of the Fulton County Jail.

    It’s worse than you could even imagine.

    It’s violent. The building is falling apart. Inmates have dug their fingers into the crumbling walls and ripped out chunks to fashion over 1,000 shanks.

    Just this year alone, 7 inmates have died in that jail.

    And beyond the crumbling walls of the jail, the streets of Atlanta are far more dangerous than Chicago’s.

    Seeing the third world state of that jail made me even more determined to run for President and save our country from permanent decline.

    It reinforced that I can NEVER – under any circumstances – GIVE UP on our mission to save America. The Silent Majority needs us to win.

    Our elected officials do not care that our nation is crumbling to pieces.

    Think about it: Democrats just arrested an innocent man – all while real criminals are terrorizing innocent families all across Atlanta.

    Instead of working to fix inflation, repair our dilapidated infrastructure, secure our southern border, and clean up our neighborhoods, Crooked Joe has ordered the federal government to use all of its manpower on trying to illegally imprison me for the rest of my life.

    I know in my heart that Americans of all walks of life are ready for a President who puts the needs and priorities of our law-abiding, legal citizens first.

    And very soon, you WILL have that President once again.”

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