A total of 313 tracts of Gulf of Mexico ocean, spanning 1.6 million acres, THE SIZE OF ITALY, were just auctioned by the Biden Cabal and 32 oil companies collectively bid $310 million for the drilling rights. The amount offered by the federal government was much larger than this, however. What in hell does that mean? The government can buy land and leases, and actually owns a good portion of the USA, so did they outbid everyone? If so, for what purpose?

“The bids will be evaluated by the government in the coming months before leases are issued.” Or they may never be issued. The real question is why would most of the Gulf be offered up to oil companies by the same people who keep saying the Earth is warming up because of fossil fuels and we’re all gonna die?

Could it possibly be because “Global Warming” is bullshit? They don’t call it Global Warming anymore, they call it “Climate Change” even while they blame this “climate change” on a warming Earth. They tell us in horror that Earth has warmed just over 2 degrees Fahrenheit since 1730, that it’s because of human industry and cow farts, and WE MUST stop this warming by 2030 at a temp no higher than 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit or WE’RE ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE!

Each succeeding July for the past 3 years, worldwide, we are told anyway, has been hotter than the one before and each set a new world record for hottest July. I don’t know, this may be true, but wasn’t last winter also a record setter for being cold? Uhh, yeah, it was.

Earth isn’t getting hotter. IT’S GETTING COLDER! Our climate is oscillating. The summers are getting hotter but the winters are getting colder. Our 12,000 years of Warm Period are up, the deep ocean currents are slowing down, and we are entering the next Ice Age cycle. That’s what’s happening.

Like I said before about this being a picture puzzle, you just have to fit the pieces in the right places to see the whole thing. Scientists and governments have known for decades that we are entering an Ice Age cycle.

First, prepare the people for mass deaths with a lockdown-style pandemic and get them all injected with a slow poison, while destroying a large portion of the global food supply and access to the fuels needed to stay warm and survive in winter. Get a war started where everyone expects the use of nuclear weapons, in case a nuclear disaster is needed. Keep that in reserve.

Then start another disease epidemic, a real one this time that’s been thoroughly computer verified to ensure control and limits, and have a genuine vaccine available just in case. Or invent some other disaster that wipes out a huge number of people. The point is that by the time the onset of the Ice Age is really obvious, and that we’re not going to burn, we’re going to freeze, most of the “excess” population of Earth will already be dead.

All the riots and looting now that’s being ignored and allowed? I believe they’re just letting us get used to it, accept it as normal for when the food riots start. Remember people fighting over toilet paper? Once they’re gone there will be no food riots and no need to fight over the tropical and sub-tropical land areas, there will be plenty of room for everyone that’s left and plenty of food and fuel.

Ice Ages don’t freeze the whole planet, the tropics simply cool off some. Last time, the ice reached as far as Texas but not Mexico, for instance, though winter in Mexico was probably not much fun. So if you’re young and raising a family and you want your future generations to survive well, then get out a map and see what land masses lie south of 31 degrees, (our border with Mexico) find a good one and move there.

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