CNN, the Communist News Network, says: “There’s a new coronavirus variant topping the leaderboard in the United States: EG.5. Nationally, EG.5 is causing about 17% of new Covid-19 cases in the country.”

The other name for it is “influenza” also known as the flu. The flu is a corona virus and it kills a lot of people every year. Ivermectin is the best cure for it. Co Vi D. Co Corona Vi Virus D Disease, 19, the year 2019. Again, it is just the flu. There is no new disease, what they did was perform “gain of function” in a lab to increase it’s infectiousness so it would spread much more rapidly.

Well, it’s Flu Season. That’s the nine months out of the year from July through March. The covid disease Flu is constantly mutating into new strains, so when the MSM screeches dire warnings of a new strain, it’s just the flu coming around again. We get at least 3 different strains of it every year, so you never know how it’s going to hit you or if you’ll catch it at all, but if you do, then Yes, you have Covid, the other name for Flu, so get your doctor to prescribe some Ivermectin pills for you. That’s right, Ivermectin cures the Flu. Most feed stores sell Ivermectin in tubes, for horses. Be sure to read the directions on the box. Disclaimer here, I’m not a doctor and I’m not prescribing. I’m just mentioning that feed stores sell Ivermectin and I’m telling you that China did not create a new disease, it’s an altered Flu bug and not unusually dangerous.

What is unusually dangerous are the MRNA injections that the world was conned into getting.

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