“Australian broadcaster, Alan Jones: “CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere. Human beings create only 3% of that 0.04%. Is anyone seriously suggesting that we should stand the economy on its head, force up energy prices, damage business, jeopardise employment, because 0.04% of the atmosphere is CO2?” “

“Yes Alan, that’s exactly what the climate totalitarians are suggesting, because none of this really has anything to do with saving the planet, and everything to do with deliberately wiping out the middle class, drastically reducing our standard of living and exerting absolute totalitarian control over every aspect of our lives, under the guise of “saving the planet” from the non-existent “climate emergency”. ” Source:

2 thoughts on “REPOSTED FROM X (TWITTER)”

    1. Sorry, that’s Phony Science. Forests absorb the CO2 as plant food and most of our forests have been replaced with parking lots, malls and condos. Yet no one takes that HUGE factor into account because it conflicts with the Global Warming-Carbon Credit scheme. The real way to reduce CO2 is to plant more greenery and stop pouring sewage and trash into the ocean. Getting rid of about 7 billon people and turning those cities back to Nature would help a lot too. Another unwelcome truth is that our ocean has not risen, saying it has is a lie. Here’s a link for you, if you wish to counter: All the water temps discussed are of SURFACE water. No mention if Time Of Day was taken into account, no mention of Average Ocean Temp at ALL DEPTHS because the inconvenient truth is that the average temp has been constant. Yes, the North Pole is MELTING, but the South Pole IS GROWING. The actual total amount of polar ice is constant.
      THE FACT IS, we’re actually tipping over into another ice age. Warming is over, it’s starting to go the other way, which is why all the radical weather the past few years. I did a post on this not long ago if you care to scroll down, or here’s a quick link:
      The purpose of the Global Warming story is to eliminate not just fossil fuels but by doing so, to curtail farming, and you see that happening increasingly now as farmers can’t afford the tractor fuel while the scarcity of fertilizers made from crude oil increases, while chicken ranches, food processing and fertilizer plants keep mysteriously burning to the ground, the Ukraine grain farming is halted by war, already fueling starvation in Africa, inflation rockets upward, food becomes unaffordable along with medical care. THIS is what the “global warming” propaganda is really all about.

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