Back when Chairman Mao was dictator of China, everybody either walked or rode a bicycle and everybody dressed the same, in loose fitting blue pants and shirts, including the women. Or at least that’s what the photos showed of them that came out of China. Mao, being a rabid Communist, wanted everyone to be dominated by the state and one way to do that is to make them all wear the same uniform. With his passing they no longer have to dress like prisoners, now they’re all imprisoned by the Chinese Social Credit System instead.

The common prison uniform these days is an orange jump suit, a one-piece garment that covers you from the neck to the ankles. Anyone seen in one of those is immediately recognized to be a prisoner of a jail or prison. You can’t just walk down the street unnoticed, dressed like that. You stand out, which makes it easy to catch you and put you back in prison again.

From what searches I’ve done, it looks like Chinese men prisoners are mostly dressed in blue jumpsuits, while the women are in orange ones. Other nations also use orange or blue jumpsuits for their prisoners. Jumpsuits have become a common, internationally recognized prison uniform, whatever their color.

Mao was on to something. A really good way to force the citizenry to be obedient is to simply force them all to wear the same simple, non-expressive, non-creative clothing. Doing this strips people of their personality, their identity. Free people dress according to who they see themselves as. Uniforms take away all that. Simple, unadorned jump suits turns a people into a faceless mass.

So it occurred to me that if we start seeing a movement toward commonality in dress, encouraged by our government, maybe some sort of shame propaganda, like, if you don’t dress like this, then you’re a traitor or racist or Enemy of Earth or some such crap, that this would be a real good indicator that new laws restricting clothing will follow, and more laws, until we’re all in uniform.

Of course, CBDC and the institution of a Social Credit System would probably be happening pretty much simultaneously, and may happen anyway.

Anyway, it was just a thought. It may never happen, I just thought I’d point out the possibility.

A word on Social Credit Systems. They replace much of government by law. You are given a Social Credit score based on how you act, do you speak out against government policies? Do you get to work on time? Do you speak nicely to your neighbors? Are you clean? Keep your hair combed? Do you drink too much? Do you anger easily, start arguments? All this is happily reported by everyone around you all the time, with their smartphones.

A bad Social Credit Score can deny you access to gas stations, grocery stores, better neighborhoods and so on. In other words, a Social Credit System replaces the legal system. You don’t have to break any laws to become an outcast.


Later, you bet, just not today.

There’s an old Chinese saying that “When there’s food on the table, there’s plenty of problems but when there’s no food, there’s only one problem”. My last post was about oil. Globalists want to end oil production, which runs the machines and supplies fertilizers, plastics, medicines and countless industrial chemicals. Summarizing that post: as oil production decreases, so does food production. It’s a direct cause and effect.

Today it’s about “Global Warming”, the other attack on food production. This one is aimed at shutting down the farms themselves. Not just indirectly through limiting oil output but directly by attacking the farm animals, primarily cattle, and the means of food production.

Cattle emit a lot of methane, which is a greenhouse gas, as carbon dioxide is, so there’s a big Globalist effort going on to destroy all the cattle herds by getting Globalist leaders of nations to sign “Net Zero” agreements. Net Zero is a balance between the production of greenhouse gases and the absorption of them. Humans and animals produce them, vegetation absorbs them.

The claim is that the Earth is rapidly warming because of greenhouse gases. The reality is that Earth has warmed just over 1 degree since 1730, when accurate measurement was first possible. The real purpose of Net Zero is to reduce our population.

There are too many people using up too many non-replaceable resources. This is a fact. Since we are severely polluting the ocean and the soil, no doubt we’re doing the same to our atmosphere. We have accelerated the extinction of many animal species and the extinctions continue. We need less of us. Earth needs less of us. Our very numbers have made us our own worst enemy.

Earth’s human population recently passed 8 billion and what we face is the pending collapse of planetary ecology, not from the bogus claim that our CO2 generation will overheat the planet, but from the pollution we’re fouling the water and soil with along with the over-fishing of our ocean. We are killing the ocean, and it’s the ocean that recycles most of the carbon dioxide back into free carbon and free oxygen so everything can continue breathing. Kill the ocean and you kill the planet because the ocean is filled with life and when it dies, it decays, and decay sucks oxygen from the air. Huge amounts of it. Then everything dies.

This is why the Globalists want to kill off most of us first. Being human and therefore corrupt, the leaders all want to be in the top power spots when all the dust settles. Yet what is more important? The nature of global government or the survival of humanity and the planet?

30 or so years ago I listened to a radio broadcast concerning a group of Earth scientists who said that we can expect the weather to start cycling to greater extremes each year, colder winters, hotter summers. Eventually the cycle tips over into cold and staying cold and we enter another Ice Age. This isn’t due to CO2 but to changes in the upper and lower, Warm and Cold, ocean currents that determine Earth’s weather patterns. The normal state of Earth is Ice Age, generally 100,000 years of it, with intervening warm periods lasting 10,000 to 12,000 years each. We are now 12,000 years into our latest warm period.

The deep Cold Current has suddenly and dramatically slowed way down. This has been the hottest July for the entire planet ever recorded and droughts have forced many farmers to send their meat animals to market early because of lack of water and feed, and to plow under crops that died for lack of water. There will be less food this winter, for an expanding population, but Mother Nature may not be quick enough to whittle down our numbers so the Globalists will make certain of it.

All this takes time, but be assured, it’s all happening right now and big changes are upon us all.


Russia’s been big in world news lately and not just because of their invasion of Ukraine. They’ve aligned with China with a mutual “No-Limits Partnership” and are becoming steadily more involved in African nations.

The Russians are doing their own thing in Africa in imitation of China, only abetting unrest and then providing troops to quell the unrest and install dictators who then have to do what Russia tells them to do, to stay in power and survive, instead of making them loans they can’t repay and then taking over their mines and ports, like China.

This partnership with China actually does have limits, we’re just not being told what they are. But cracks are appearing in it, 5 Chinese citizens were denied entry into Russia the other day and no explanation was given, and China’s unhappy about it. It’s probably because Russians are paranoid and liars, and no matter what deal they made with China, they will always look for a greater advantage for themselves. This may have something to do with their activities in Africa.

Now here’s the point of all this: Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, which works closely with Russia’s oil industry, has just initiated a global conference to find a peaceful settlement to the war in Ukraine, and China is invited while Russia is not. Russia is not welcome to take part in what is actually the creation of an oil producer’s global power bloc.

Saudi Arabia has been steadily distancing itself from Globalist and Chinese influence and interests, because of oil. The Saudis are the backbone of OPEC, and all those Mid-East oil producing nations along with all the nations who need Saudi/OPEC oil, will dance to their fiddle. The Globalists want oil production to stop but oil is the lifeblood of the global economy and the source of wealth and power for the Mid-East, and the end of oil production would collapse the global economy, end most of the food production, and billions of people would starve to death, which is a Globalist goal.

You see? The true enemies of the Western Globalists aren’t the so-called “democracies”. It’s the Mid-East nations, their allies, the Asian Islamist nations, and China. The Chinese are also globalists, but they want everyone else to die and for the world to be run by Chinese, and China does not produce oil. If they want to win out, they need oil to do it and they hate Islam. This is the real reason for aligning with Russia, so they have a steady supply of oil.

Things are shaping up. The only reason China is invited to this conference is so they can see what they’re up against, not because they’re liked. The oil exporting nations are rising, most of them are Islamic, and this may be the beginning of that Global Caliphate that Muslims have been killing each other and everyone else for, for the past 1300 years.

Muslims are the original globalists, the central order in Islam is that everyone must be a Muslim. So what I mean by “things are shaping up” is that the major players in the fight for global supremacy are finally emerging and making their plays. Things like this conference are just opening salvos of the coming battle, but these are huge cards being played, oil runs the planet and while oil won’t be the only card played, and there will be wars and disease epidemics, it’s oil that will determine who starves.


I quit primarily because discussing what they’re doing has no value. They’re all posers and liars. A few of them, two or three, seem to be standing up and defending true principles of democracy, but then they always turn their backs on the big truths that they really should be not just speaking out about but doing something about.

Look at our Congress, 535 men and women, 435 House Representatives, 100 Senators, more or less equally “divided”, supposedly, by political party. What are they accomplishing, these 535 lawmakers, these Movers and Shakers of our nation? Are we happy, crime free and prospering?

Just look at the state of our nation to answer that. If they were doing nothing we’d be much better off, but they aren’t, they’re all working together to accomplish the Globalist goal of the end of nations and the rise of a single global government. Party politics is a fraud, a sham, an illusion.

I see things for what they are. We do not have two primary political parties, we only appear to, because that’s what we always used to have before they were taken over, and that’s what we keep getting told that we still have. But if you simply look at what all those people are doing and saying, it becomes very clear that they’re all on the same team.

If two soccer teams came out on the field and they all went to the same end of the field, what would you think? If a dozen candidates for President of Brazil all engaged in a televised debate and they all gave the same answers to the same questions, what would you think?

Cheering for your favorite soccer team is good sportsmanship. Cheering for your favorite politician is blind ignorance.


If we have learned one thing from the massive Covid lie that turned the world upside down, it’s that national emergencies are bullshit.

Not everyone understands this, not everyone pays attention to the obvious. Those of us who do, the 25% who refused The Jab, and those who’ve since woken up to the great lie the world was told, won’t buy into the next great lie.

It’s coming. It could be another disease pandemic, or a massive global climate emergency or even the use of a nuclear weapon to panic the world into blind obedience in the name of survival.

One of these is the most likely scenario, but another possibility keeps intruding on my thoughts of what the Globalists may have in mind. Pres. Ronald Reagan said “how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world” and lately we’re hearing about all sorts of government reports and investigations on UFO activity.

What if we were told by world leaders including our own that we were under attack by an alien race? It wouldn’t have to be real, anymore than the “vaccine” is actually a vaccine or that Covid was any worse than the flu. All they would have to do is be convincing. The TV screens filled with video of spacecraft causing havoc. Who would know that it wasn’t so, if all the media said that it was?

That seems far-fetched, to me, too. But they’re out to shock us into submission and to get rid of a lot of us and neutron bombs would do it. Neutron bombs would do a great job of killing off all the people without damaging the buildings. Invented back in 1958, they’re small, cheap, with a small explosion but huge neutron radiation. It would look like an alien attack, instead of an enemy country, so we wouldn’t start nuking each other.

Be prepared. Whatever they do next to terrorize the world will be faked just like the last time. Don’t buy into it. Don’t rush to obey.