The new buzzword, Epigenetics. Scammers are swarming all over it, because what it is, is the new science of reversing the aging process, and it’s actually real.

So far, experimentation has been confined to rodents and other mammals, and if what I read is true, scientists involved in this have been successful in reversing these critters physical age and it may not be long before this can be applied to us humans.

So in a world with an expanding human population of over 8 billion now, that’s just what we need, the means to extend everyone’s life for another 100 years or even more. Uhh, NO.

It would be wonderful to live hundreds of healthy years, but this can only be possible if our population is dramatically reduced first. Then the next obvious problem is keeping it reduced, which would have to mean a dramatic decrease in the birth rate. The longer we all live, the more people there are.

China practiced government control of the birth rate for awhile and it was pretty successful because of the extremely strict measures that were used to enforce it. Once our population is reduced to a reasonable level again, maintaining it will likely be strictly enforced. We’ve had birth control pills for over 50 years, there’s no reason not to control growth.

No doubt we will be able to reset our biological clocks soon, but the chance of this being made available to the general public is zero unless people are willing to not have children. At that, it seems unlikely that a Globalist government would allow criminals, the stupid, etc. to enjoy extended lifespans. People would have to be valued contributors, not “useless eaters”.

So unless you’re rich right now, and fairly young, I wouldn’t plan on getting in on this.


When rich white people pledge a donation to some cause, it’s their own money that they’re pledging to give, and they follow through and give it.

Oprah Winfrey has $3.5 billion and pledged a gift of $10 million to the Oahu fire survivors. Then she went on television asking viewers to donate to her charity, to raise $10 million for Oahu. That’s right, this stingy pile of black crap had no intention of giving HER money to those people, she just wanted to make it look like she was so she’d appear to be a generous, wonderful person.

This person, in my opinion, is a greedy, selfish, lying racist bitch. Wait, I forgot disgusting.