And Here’s a Conspiracy NOW:

The Establishment attack on Russell Brand is openly a conspiracy. All of Rupert Murdock’s various media holdings are calling him a rapist, and YouTube has cut him off from his income on that site while Facebook has booted him out and one other unSocial Media site, I forget which…. But it doesn’t matter, the point is that he’s been speaking out against Leftist policies and he has too big a following now for them to ignore any longer.

What a simple thing it is for even just one billionaire organization or person to hire a 100 women willing to swear he raped them, then “screen test” them for their acting abilities, for memory, audacity, believability and keep the 10 or 15 best, most believable applicants. Teach them the stories, provide the histories and launch the destruction of his reputation.

Isn’t it STRANGE that some prominent crusader for truth gets “outed” mercilessly by all the various types of media and social networks while a grotesque monster like Hunter Biden is ignored?

No. It’s not strange. It’s what they do and they’re going to keep on doing it, so don’t buy into the bullshit.