In 3 more days it will be September 11, the now famous 9-11 anniversary of the attack by Saudi Arabia on our country. Apparently, yes, the attack was arranged by Osama bin Laden, but we were told that he was outcast from Saudi Arabia, they wanted nothing to do with him, he was a religious radical and outside the real beliefs of the True Faith.

Which is strange considering the way Muslims in America, Saudi Arabia and all over the world celebrated, danced, shot off fireworks and had wild parties when the attack was successful. Don’t you think that’s strange?

The extremely rich bin Laden family is very close, very tight with the Saudi Royal Family and there’s no chance at all that they weren’t all in on this together. In fact, both families were vacationing at the Bush Ranch in Texas together with George Bush Sr. and Jr. when this attack went down.

Keep all this in mind when the propaganda mill cranks up again in 3 days and tells us once again how awful terrorists are and never says one single word about how awful Saudi Arabians are, and how awful Muslims are.

Update: The video from the parking lot of the Pentagon has finally been released and it was A MISSILE that exploded at the front of the Pentagon, NOT an aircraft. It can be plainly seen to be a missile, there is now aircraft in sight and no aircraft parts were found afterward, the photos that came out of a jet engine and a hunk of landing gear are either fakes or that junk was moved in and photographed afterward. The Pentagon attack was STAGED by our own government.