NASA has just “released a long-awaited report” that humans are the only intelligent life in the Universe. “Long awaited” my ass, I knew what they were going to say along with anyone else with a brain.
NASA is a US Government agency and they will keep right on saying what all the other government agencies keep saying, which is bullshit. It’s always bullshit. “We did not find any evidence that UAP (UFOs) are extraterrestrial but we don’t know what they are.” They admit they’re real and can do things that are totally beyond human ability and technology but they aren’t alien. Right. Even Da Vinci painted one into a portrait, Christopher Columbus, on his voyage of discovery, wrote in his log about seeing one rise out of the ocean. They’ve been photographed thousands of times now by ordinary citizens, so yeah, we know they’re real and we don’t make them. Well then, if they’re not made by another intelligent, advanced people, they must be Santa’s Little Helpers, or maybe fairies are real.
We already know that our government lies to us about literally everything. All the politicians do it and all our government agencies do it, and anyone who believes one single word of anything that comes from them is an idiot. As much as they try to convince us otherwise, politicians and government agencies aren’t gods and nothing they say is Holy Writ.
The evidence is overwhelming that a variety of beings from other planetary civilizations are visiting here. Why our government so persistently refuses to speak the truth about this goes beyond any “security” claims, as every other nation’s government is just as aware of the truth and a few of them even say so plainly, that they’re aliens. But we get lied to. I guess it’s become such a habit that they just don’t know how to tell the truth anymore.