Supposedly there’s a type or “variant” of the mysterious “Covid19 disease” called “Long Covid”. Even though no one has been able to publish the DNA of this “Covid19”, we keep getting told it exists and that it’s mutating like crazy and we should all be scared shitless and hide in our basements.

Remember before all this phony crap came along, how sometimes the Flu would just hang on and never seem to go away? Months after getting it, we would have relapses and get sick all over again? Well, that’s your “Long Covid” because covid means COrona VIrus Disease, and that’s what the Flu is. A corona virus.

It’s only now being admitted that this was a total lie.

A new study published Monday in the medical journal BMJ found that long COVID is virtually indistinguishable from long-haul symptoms after other infections.

‘Long Covid’ is a failure of science.