ABC News headline: Biden administration waives 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction.

Well, that’s a shocker. It will take quite a while yet before more wall gets built, enough to keep out all the invaders that have been freely allowed in so far, so we probably haven’t hit saturation point yet as far as the government is concerned, but we must be approaching it or they wouldn’t be doing this.

I suspect that construction will be delayed until close to the next presidential election at the end of 2024. It’s possible that we may see some serious border control finally in effect in another year and by that time another 30 or 40 million more migrants may have poured in.

UPDATE!!!!! A section of border wall has just been approved. About 20 miles will be built in Starr County along its border with Mexico. No starting date for construction has been announced yet and may never be, Mexican Pres. says it’s a hoax.

Why our government wants all these people here when so many of them are worthless spongers, leeches, criminals, unskilled, and just plain stupid, is a mystery. They don’t need migrants for votes to keep them in power because it’s all a Uniparty now and votes mean nothing, they can put anyone into any position of power they want to. Of course, these masses will increase the poverty and misery of the rest of us, which may be the whole point.

One thought on “OH? ARE WE NEARLY FULL UP NOW?”

  1. https://grrrgraphics.com/bidens-auctioning-off-of-america/


    Cartoon published 09/27/2023

    As a long time-Senator, Joe Biden was allowed to scoop up kickbacks as long as it didn’t interfere with the interests of his masters—the globalist central bankers and Delaware credit card companies. As long he carried out their bidding in the Senate, Joe was relatively safe to pursue his ‘side hustles.’

    “Lunch bucket Joe” always pretended to care about the middle class (while crushing them). What Joe really wanted was money—and plenty of it. He also wanted to rub shoulders with the east coast elites and go to their parties. Joe’s ‘I’m a regular guy’ schtick was just a cover for his real motive: Doing whatever it took to gain fame and easy money.

    Joe has always been a con artist and grifter, but the media (also controlled by those same bankers) did not allow investigative journalists to plumb the Biden cesspool too deeply.
    Now that dynamic has changed. As our installed president, the heat has been turned up on the increasingly unpopular Joe. James Comer has found a lot of credible evidence that Joe has been auctioning off his country.

    That’s right, he’s been taking bribes—even from our enemies such as communist China. Comer uncovered more evidence that proved Joe was lying when he said his family never received any money from China.

    We now know a Chinese communist national wired a $250,000 bribe directly to Joe Biden’s home, where Hunter had been staying. Hunter got the money and Joe got his cut. Maybe that’s why Joe let that Chinese spy balloon fly over our country and did nothing.

    To counter the scandal, Democrat media are using Senator Bob Menendez’s own pay-for-play corruption as a distraction. Menendez and his wife accepted $400,000 worth of gold bars in exchange for his influence, but that story cannot eclipse the magnitude of Joe’s traitorous acts. That’s why the leftist media ridicule and dismisses the Biden scandal as Republican-invented ‘drama.’

    The bank records don’t lie, but it’s unlikely Biden will see justice.

    That’s because our country is already been sold out to the highest bidder.

    We must take our Republic back or we will not have a country.

    — Ben Garrison

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