Less than 17% of those living in the Gaza strip are over 40 years old and over 47% are under 18. That leaves 36% between the ages of 18 and 40. 83% are under 41. The link shows a pyramid graph of population percentage by age.

There’s two good reasons for these numbers. One is that the women have lots of children and the other is that life in Gaza is very unhealthy. The Muslims and the Liberal Media love blaming that on the Jews and their long blockade of the Gaza Strip while ignoring the reason for it, the invasions from there into Israel of terrorists who set off bombs anywhere Jews gather, at funerals, weddings, in buses, crowded theaters and bars and so on, and incessantly fire rockets from there into Israeli cities. The purpose of the blockade is to prevent as much war materials as possible from entering the area to be used against Israelis.

But the real reason it’s so unhealthy for older people is because they’re used as cannon fodder by their Hamas leaders. They’re usually the ones firing rockets and getting hit by Israeli retaliatory air strikes. Old Muslims aren’t as useful as young ones, to Hamas, so they’re used up.

Much more on all this on Monday.

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