Reading down the linked list of headlines on a news aggregator is like reading apocalyptic science fiction. The first one to get my attention is several religious blurts in a row about “The End Days” and how “The Signs Are Here”. There’s a lot of talk about “The Rapture” on these websites, how all the true believers will soon float upwards like helium balloons, into the sky. I hope they wear bright clothing so they look pretty, like little sky flowers.

America has just invaded America. The Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel took over a 170-acre American island in the middle of the Rio Grande River and ringed it with sniper nests, and a large force of Texas Rangers and state troopers were preparing yesterday morning to drive them out and have now done so without a fight. They ran back to Mexico. Now the bulldozers are there wiping the land clean and will be followed by lots of razor wire and regular patrols.

Since the cartels now run Mexico, isn’t it time we went to war with them? Unless we gave all our guns and bullets to Ukraine, of course.

Vlad Putin just announced that he did not start a war in Ukraine, “What war?”, and that he is willing to talk peace and is withdrawing some of his forces while massing more troops on the border and trains are moving tanks into Crimea. I guess he thinks nobody notices that he’s lying. Someone please give that man an enema, he’s full of shit.

There’s a video of Joe Biden kicking his dog, the same one that bit a couple of Secret Service agents in the White House, some photos of a rotting howler monkey corpse that we’re told is a Chupacabra Goat Sucker Monster, and Britney Spears is hiding out on a French Polynesian island after cutting herself doing a really moronic video of herself dancing with some big sharp knives.

And that’s just the little stuff. The weekend awaits.


ABC News headline: Biden administration waives 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction.

Well, that’s a shocker. It will take quite a while yet before more wall gets built, enough to keep out all the invaders that have been freely allowed in so far, so we probably haven’t hit saturation point yet as far as the government is concerned, but we must be approaching it or they wouldn’t be doing this.

I suspect that construction will be delayed until close to the next presidential election at the end of 2024. It’s possible that we may see some serious border control finally in effect in another year and by that time another 30 or 40 million more migrants may have poured in.

UPDATE!!!!! A section of border wall has just been approved. About 20 miles will be built in Starr County along its border with Mexico. No starting date for construction has been announced yet and may never be, Mexican Pres. says it’s a hoax.

Why our government wants all these people here when so many of them are worthless spongers, leeches, criminals, unskilled, and just plain stupid, is a mystery. They don’t need migrants for votes to keep them in power because it’s all a Uniparty now and votes mean nothing, they can put anyone into any position of power they want to. Of course, these masses will increase the poverty and misery of the rest of us, which may be the whole point.


Just reading our weekly newspaper, it’s almost always there on my driveway early in the morning, and there in the back, occupying a full half of the top half of the page is an obituary of some woman who just died. She was really big time into her church and religion, which no doubt is why she got such a huge write-up, that and there’s not much else to talk about around here anyway, so why not?

But it made me think, I mean, she was two years younger than me when she died and I’m well along in them there years, ayup, so if I want a big write-up when I croak, maybe I should get my unbelieving ass over to one of the local churches and start getting Jesused up. Help with the rummage sales, go door to door Witnessing For The Lord and making a total buttpain out of myself For Jesus, lead prayer groups For Jesus and all that stuff so I can be rewarded with an oversized obituary that people won’t read.

OR, I could cancel my newspaper subscription and never see another obituary and totally stop caring, OR I could learn to tap dance, Or I could take up knitting.

My best friend in all the world, who never showed a sign of being religious when we were young and doing things we managed to get away with, is Jesused up now. Old people do this shit because they want to Live Forever And Walk The Streets Of Gold In Heaven With Jesus The Lord.

Believing is not a substitute for knowing. Believing is just pure laziness and cowardice, it’s so much easier to believe what you want than to accept what is, and it feels a lot better, most times, too, which is why most of us drown ourselves in fallacies.


CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid drug stores are closing 1500 stores. Target is only closing 9 stores, but it’s a start. 20 major retailers across the United States have closed or are about to close 3,193 stores because of looting and shoplifting by Negroes.

One has to ask, where will these poor, mentally feeble descendants of hunter-gatherer tribes find sustenance when their traditional sources are gone? Will they chimp out in suburban neighborhoods, mobbing the homes of white people for their food and clothing and smart phones? Many will die when the shooting starts.

Perhaps they should return to the jungles of Africa and learn from their Chimpanzee brothers that if you want to eat, you can’t be chopping down the fig trees.


In the age of the Roman Empire, glass was their form of plastic with bronze coming in at second place. Then iron became the world’s plastic, finally followed by cast iron in the 19th century, which was replaced by Bakelite in the early 20th century. Bakelite wasn’t the first form of actual plastic but it was the most successful and easiest to mass produce cheaply.

Since then, plastic has been made from all sorts of materials including cow’s milk, but petroleum oil has proven to be the best of all at making plastics with every imaginable desired quality.

Now the push is on to stop the oil pumps and convert all vehicle production to electric power. There’s a strong negative sentiment against the making of plastics, as well, because even though it degrades into tiny particles it still stays in the environment and enters the food chain.

So what will the next plastic be? Carbon. Have you seen the incredible things scientists have been doing with carbon over the past few years? They’ve created a transparent material only an atom thick that’s vastly stronger than our best steel. Nanotube transistors. Galvorn, made of carbon, that is stronger than steel, lighter than aluminum, and has the conductivity of copper and has unlimited applications in electronics and construction, and more.

Carbon is the 15th most common element on Earth and the easiest to extract because it’s found in almost everything and it’s about as cheap as dirt. What could possibly attract environmentalists more than to have an industry that takes carbon out of the environment and makes useful products out of it? Carbon is the future.


All the news bloggers are asking “Why aren’t our politicians doing something about all the bad things going on in our country” or else blaming them all for what’s going on?

But the people who hold the real power in Europe and the USA are silent and it’s not the politicians. I’m talking about the big corporations. All these huge companies that are suffering from massive looting losses and collapsing sales incomes are silent, when it’s them that should be screaming to Congress to stop the looting, stop the invasion across our borders, stop the economic collapse.

And they’re silent. Why would this be? It isn’t Congress that keeps the economy going strong, it’s all the corporations, the Big Box stores like Walmart, Target, Rite-Aid and many others, the corporations have all the money, the millions of employees, the vast holdings. It’s they who run the country.

They send out notices that they’re closing hundreds of stores because of looting or poor sales volume or both, but not one is on record complaining to government or the media about the reasons behind the store closings, even though they must be suffering huge losses. Why? It’s the big corporations that hold the real power, and they can and do dictate policy to government and instead of fighting this, they join in promoting it. All those companies joining in the Woke insanity even though it’s killing their business, does that make sense? The Petroleum industry is the biggest of all, it supports entire national economies, the world runs on oil from the ground, yet there’s not a peep, not a whisper from them over government demands to make all cars electric and end fuel production. WHY NOT? They should be screaming loudest of all.

When I look at the immense size of this confederacy, this cohesion of purpose between so many governments, corporations and media sources to wipe out all traces of past social norms, to fire up racial conflict, wreck the economy, corrupt our morals and put us all into a state of fear and confusion, it blows my mind.

I have no answer for it, only the questions. But I do have one observation. When I look at Pres. Trump trying to become President again, and how much attention he’s getting with his speeches, I’m reminded of a flea on an elephant’s back, with a megaphone. A tiny creature with a tiny bite making a big noise. Because he’s riding the monster that he can not conquer no matter how loud he gets or how many speeches he makes. Maybe he just doesn’t see the immensity of the beast he hopes to subdue, but I’m not there with him, I’m over here and my view is better.