Anarchy is when law enforcement collapses to the point that there is none. In the very early days of this country, the US was divided into Territories that had no form of law enforcement other than the majority of people dealing with the violent minority. It was anarchy.

Anarchy is now spreading in our largest cities and for good reason.

Federal agents are destroying border barrier fences in Texas faster than state agents can put them up, making sure that hordes of migrants keep pouring in. Another migrant caravan of about 5000 people is about to enter as I type this.

Official estimates are that as many as 10 million have come in this year, but unofficial estimates put the figure at as high as 40 million. Be aware that nearly all of these people have no skills appropriate to our industries, they have only their bodies. So the natural result is a huge rise in prostitution, theft and violent crime beyond anything that any existing police force can control.

The police are afraid to shoot these people as a means of control because then they start rioting by the tens of thousands and destroying everything in sight. So the police get out of the way and wait for the burning and looting to stop. This is classic anarchy and as the influx of unemployed, unskilled, low intelligence, young, hungry and violent people continues to pour in looking for food and shelter while the global supply system keeps shutting down, which it is, there can only be one result.

Just speculating on a few futures, I can see the government buildings in Wash. DC and a very large area around them becoming completely walled off with robot gun turrets and extreme and deadly security to keep everyone safe from attack, including an airfield with fighter jets, lethal drones and attack helicopters, satellite surveillance and advanced radar. And maybe some high powered lasers.

Small towns banding together to keep out invaders. Scenes like the barricaded towns in “The Walking Dead” TV series. Major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago becoming completely deserted by businesses of all kinds, no food to buy, nothing, and the people all either killing each other for their food or leaving to raid neighboring towns. I’m serious about this, all these people pouring in have no place to go, there’s no jobs for them, no homes for them, and when the government stops feeding the millions of them, they will find ways to feed themselves.

What happens when all the grocery stores close because they keep getting robbed, and the supply ships with more food don’t arrive, and the trains, and the trucks, and all the neighborhood dogs disappear into stew pots? Food in cities isn’t grown there, it’s imported from far away.

Blood will run in the streets as homeowners defend against armed gangs. Neighborhoods will band together to kill off these marauders, until they run out of food and join them.

All that aid to Africa will end and the Africans will do what they do best, which is kill each other and go back to their Stone Age ways of spearing bush meat and growing little crops, once they’ve reduced their population to maybe 5% of what it is now. Much of the rest of the world will do the same.

It’s at this point that I expect the Elite to start coming out of their secure fortresses and taking over, to establish their global government.

It all sounds like a gory fantasy novel, but it’s writing itself right now in front of us all. All you have to do is look at it, it’s a picture book.

4 thoughts on “ANARCHY FUTURE”




    1. I’m not saying that’s definitely how we’re going to end up, I just don’t see how letting in millions of bush people can have any other result. I read this morning that there’s so many migrants living on the streets of Chicago now that they’re covered in tents. If you look at the pictures, it’s true, there’s barely room between them to walk down the streets. That’s today. What about tomorrow, next month, next year as these hordes of people are still coming in? There’s no place to put them now and those who are here are all being fed by government welfare. That can’t last, what happens when the money stops and the food runs out?

      1. “Socialism only lasts until other people’s money runs out.”

        Margaret Thatcher

        1. That’s exactly right. Then the riots start, and the looting, and the burning, and the killing.

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