Was just glancing over an article called “Why Can’t We Give Up the Notion of the Ideal Body”, with a picture of 5 women together, one trim and healthy looking and the other 4 in various stages of obesity, from bloated with fat rolls to overweight with cellulite, and I have an answer for them.

We can’t give up preferring ideal bodies because women shaped like pigs ready for slaughter are not attractive, they’re not sexy, they’re disgusting to look at and disgusting to even be around. Obese women are selfish, self indulgent and usually very pushy and aggressive. They’re obnoxious and they usually smell bad. That’s why. Healthy, intelligent and attractive women are slim and trim. They may have crappy personalities but even if they do, they’re not hogging all the food and making you wish you could unsee them.

Being overweight is unhealthy. Fat people try to glorify their excessive bulk, but they’re not fooling the rest of us. We’re not the ones with diabetes, intestinal blockages, heart problems, strokes and all the rest that keeps hospital beds full and doctors driving Ferraris.

Anyway, Sci-Fi. Was just thinking randomly about human technological progress while wandering in my garden and looking at the new power poles that were installed in the neighborhood this last summer, and thinking about energy sources, all the research on fusion power and so forth, and it just seems inevitable that those power poles will become obsolete. Maybe soon.

There’s a big push, as we all know, to end the use of fossil fuels and replace them with photovoltaic, solar, wind and geothermal energy, and to this end the development of better and better batteries is moving quickly. The total amount of human industry involved in generating, transmitting and storing energy is massive and the need for more energy keeps growing.

Necessity is the mother of invention. It’s an old saying and a true one. The greater the need for something, the better the chance of filling it, and what we need is a power source that needs little or no fuel, that’s compact and will run a car, home, ship, aircraft, whatever is required for a very long time without needing any attention. No more need for power poles and wires, gasoline, oil wells, rare earth batteries, fuel stations and all the rest of it. Each home, each building with it’s own power source.

We have beams of light that can slice through steel plates, ovens that cook with radio waves, cars that drive themselves, instant global communication between any two people anywhere, we have robots on Mars. We live in an imaginary world of the future that’s actually real. We can make the technological leap and create new power sources.