I think they already made a movie about it called “Escape From New York”. Let’s try it, stuff everyone in there and see how well that works out.

There’s a picture floating around the internet and featured on a few “news” websites that depicts what 8 billion people standing tightly packed in rows side by side would look like compared to the size of New York City, which is huge even though they describe it as a “tiny part” of the Earth’s surface. It is shown that if you packed us all, standing, into a compact mass, all the people of Earth would fit inside the same area as New York City and this is offered as PROOF that it’s a MYTH, that the Earth is not overpopulated.

Of course, if we all lived that way, jammed up against each other with less than a square foot of space each, and didn’t need houses, apartments, freeways, roads, sidewalks, airports, schools, vehicles, factories, power plants, mines, farms, parks, oil fields, refineries, warehouses, malls, and on and on and so forth, why then, YES, that would really solve the OVERPOPULATION PROBLEM.

If all each of us needed was less than one square foot of room to live in, like a turnip, the massive, increasing worldwide pollution, continuing loss of wildlife habitat with it’s increasing animal and plant extinctions, diminishing quality of human life, increasing migration and homelessness and so forth and so on, would not be happening. But it is.

According to Google searches, the MINIMUM amount of land needed per person to live is 2.4 acres. There are 15.77 billion habitable acres of land on Earth and over 8 billion people now, so divide the people into the land and you get LESS THAN 1.97 ACRES per person. What does that tell you?

It tells me that we have run out of places to put people and some of us have to go, and soon. One way is famine, starving to death, and other ways are war and disease. But it’s like a cage with too many rabbits, you can keep taking rabbits out but as long as they keep breeding and you keep feeding them, there will always be a “Too Many Rabbits” problem and the only way to really deal with it, since there’s no room for a larger cage, is to get rid of a lot of the rabbits so that an increase in the rest of them can be prevented and controlled.

The USA population uses an average of 24 acres per person and look at the crowded, homeless-filled mess our cities are in. We’re using TEN TIMES the minimum habitable space each and WE’RE OVERPOPULATED. We’re destroying the country, hell, we HAVE destroyed the country.

No one lives forever and it looks like a whole lot of us are going to live a lot less longer than we’d hoped, but let’s face it, in 100 years it will never have mattered either way because everyone alive today, with few exceptions, will be dead anyway.

The signals are mixed, our government and the heads of big corporations keep talking about new long-term projects as if nothing was ever going to change. At the same time, we also keep hearing about impending horrible plagues and being on the edge of a global war. We already know that we’re not producing enough food to feed us all now and that farms are shutting down because of droughts and other causes while global trade is in a mess and everyone is waving their bombs at each other.

A coordinated global collapse to bring about population reduction and control? I think that’s the plan. Biden is a puppet, why shouldn’t Putin be, too? And Macron and all of them. You can’t tell me that all the richest and most influential people meet at Bohemian Grove to plan out their next Ping-Pong move or that the huge successes of Claus Schwab’s WEF and George Soros don’t matter. I never used to give that Illuminati stuff much credit but I’ve changed my mind.

With a coordinated collapse, civilization stays intact and continues to grow, develop and benefit from a decreasing population, and becomes much more efficient without all those useless, non-contributing, parasitic mouths to keep feeding. Occams Razor, it’s the simplest answer and makes the most sense.