I don’t have any special affection for Jews. I’m not fond of their business practices, generally. Generosity in business is not a common trait, we all like to profit, but it’s just the way they go about it that irritates me.

Otherwise, I don’t care. I’m not religious and they can spout this “God’s chosen people” bullshit all they like, that may piss off other religions but since I think all dogmas are fantasy, who cares? They can claim to be descendants of God, like the Japanese emperor does. I care less.

Jews have made more contributions to the advancement of science and medicine than any other ethnic or religious group including Christians and they very quietly provide help for non-Jews worldwide. They do a lot of good and otherwise leave people alone.

But Man must have his scapegoat and for thousands of years it’s been Jews, and that doesn’t look likely to change now. There’s also the Rom, aka Travelers, aka Gypsies, who are despised throughout Europe, India still has it’s Untouchables, the Muslims have their hated Sufis, whom may be killed on sight. But for Top Hated, it’s Jews. How do you love people that you can’t get rid of, who keep coming back and taking over the banks and corporations? Which they do.

I live in reality. My opinions are just hot air and mean nothing. Only what is real has meaning and value and then only to those who can also see it. So when I put up a post here, it’s not opinion, it’s not formed by my emotions or my prejudices, it’s my perception of reality. My perception can be skewed and what I say can be wrong, I’m not all-seeing. The reason I’m saying this now is because Jew hatred is rising and spreading across the world, and it’s a violent hatred, and I should make my position clear.

I am on their side against HAMAS and the forces of Islam, not just because of the atrocities just committed against them on Oct. 7 but because Islam is shit, it’s a blood and death cult of the insane, and is the enemy of all mankind and Jews are killing them. That’s a good thing.

It looks possible that the Israelis will be brought to the point of desperation as the attacks increase from outside, and if that happens, they might use their nuclear weapons against their enemies. Certainly, if I were in charge, I would use them. We all want to survive. If it should come to that, it would be good if they could, directly or indirectly, cause the deaths of a billion Muslims and give the world a chance to rid itself of the cancer that the rest of them are. It would be the end of Israel but the Jews would live on, maybe they would finally learn to shut up and not always be advertising their presence.

In fact, there’s two things I’d love to see if this war does explode out of hand, one is the obliteration of the Dome of the Rock, and the other is the destruction of Mecca.

2 thoughts on “JUST TO BE CLEAR ABOUT IT”

  1. Sir, that’s the only problem for me on your texts about War and Religion and Politics: (specially some like this one) I have nothing NEW to comment, because you always says EVERYTHING I would say by myself. 100% agreeded. You usually left nothing blank to me.

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