
This is Tayyip Recep Erdogan. Saying he’s toad-faced is an insult to toads. This FLAMING ASSHOLE is doing all he can to fire up a world war short of sending in the Turkish army. The way he’s going though, that may be next.

Turkish President Erdogan said today that Israel was a “terror state” committing war crimes and violating international law in Gaza, while repeating his view that Hamas was not a terrorist organization, as he has done repeatedly. Erdogan is a Muslime.

He keeps testing the limits of Turkey’s eligibility to stay in NATO. As long as he just runs his ugly mouth and doesn’t attack anyone, he may be safe, but this guy is a danger to the world, he’s another Benito Musselini, Josep Stalin, Adolf Hitler. Warmongers who caused the deaths of millions and he needs to disappear because he’s made himself dictator of one of the most powerful Muslim states.

Turkey still claims to be a secular state, but everything Erdogan says and does makes a lie of that. It was a secular state, but not anymore.

Turkey rides the geographical border between Europe and the Mideast. It was a secular nation when it joined NATO, before this power-mad jackass came along and succeeded in convincing the Muslim majority to elect him. He then got rid of all the top military officers who opposed him and turned Turkey into a Sunni Muslim state. Now he’s involved in attacking the Kurds who have been trying to establish their own state in S.E. Turkey for decades. Not long ago he was fighting with Greece, trying to take over some of their land, and Greece is also a member of NATO. That forced the other members to make him back off.

He lost a deal to buy US fighter planes because he insisted on buying a Russian radar system that was capable of hacking those planes and feeding info to Russia. His ongoing behavior makes clear that he’s not to be trusted as a NATO member. Instead, he’s a threat to the peace of the entire area and ultimately the world.