I just came across this bit of news and though it’s now a few days old, that doesn’t mean it’s not worth talking about. The Russian high court has declared LGBTQ etc. activists and organizations to be EXTREMIST and they are now outlawed in Russia. Anyone who now runs around waving a rainbow flag can be sent to prison. If you’re homosexual and want to suck dicks or want to get your body mutilated to look female, you can. Just don’t start telling the kiddies that you teach in school that it’s a good thing to do, or your ass will become a communal prison sperm receptacle. If you live long enough to get there.

No queer parades, no books in school libraries promoting this insanity, no public displays of homosexuality, no bakeries being sued for refusing to bake homosexually themed cakes, no drag queens performing for little children in public libraries. This almost makes me want to move to Russia, no shit.

There will always be homosexuals among us, just as there will always be normal people among us, like me, and as a normal person I am disgusted, revolted and repelled by the sight of two people of the same sex kissing and openly displaying sexual attraction for each other in public, and I always have been ever since I reached puberty. Since normal people far outnumber the abnormal people, we rule and we make the rules.

This means that we’ll leave the queers and freaks alone as long as they don’t try to push their abnormalities and “life styles” onto us and our children, and we WON’T leave them alone if they do. Russia got this right because they’re ruled by nationalists. As we used to be.

The USA is a dictatorship. Our government can do anything to any of us that it wants to and we constantly read about examples of this in the news. The persecution of the thousands of Trump supporters in Wash. DC on Jan. 6, 2021 and imprisonment of a great many of them is only one example.

Likewise, Russia is a dictatorship. The greatest difference between the two is that Russia is not Liberal or very democratic. Life is more controlled, there’s a lot of bureaucracy and less freedom of movement. However, if you’re born and grow up there, it’s all normal and comfortable to you and doesn’t matter, and this is important. Here in the USA we don’t know from one day to the next what crazy bullshit our government is going to do to disrupt our lives, like promoting sexual deviancy and the “trans” mutilations insanity. In Russia they want to keep their social values unchanged and when you look at how allowing all this LGBTQRSTUV insanity has screwed up Western civilization, no one can fault them for it. They get a lot of things wrong, but they got this one right.