To be totally implacable is to be unchangeable in attitude and convictions. Like a glacier, moving only with the pull of gravity, cold and without feeling, remorseless.

I had a dream the other night, maybe it wasn’t a dream, but whatever it was, it woke me up. It was the feeling that an implacable people, source, power, group, or whatever is governing all that we do, for it’s own purposes, which are hidden from us.

Sounds like an attack of paranoia but it didn’t feel like it, it felt like I was on the verge of becoming aware of something. Since I do my best thinking while I’m sleeping, things like this get my attention, and my first thought on this was “Why do we have so many wars?”

When you look back at the beginnings of all these fracases large and small, they all look orchestrated. Certainly the Vietnam war was, and Afghanistan, both were for profit. All the $Billions in military gear left behind in Afghanistan was totally deliberate, it was tax money spent, so now it all has to be replaced, more tax money, more profit.

The war in Ukraine was plainly orchestrated, the war now in Israel was too. The mass attack was the only way to justify a full-on war with Hamas and Israel was warned over a YEAR in advance that it was coming.

In fact, it was this war, piled onto all the others, that caused me to wake up the way I did. These wars don’t just happen out of the blue, they’re all orchestrated and planned in advance for the sole purpose of making big profits while getting rid of a lot of people and making changes in the global power structure.

It’s really easy to get all wrapped up in the alarming and violent events of the newest war and be distracted from the actual cause of these wars, the history of these wars.

Is it really a coincidence that the Middle East is increasing in turmoil at the same time that the Globalists are moving the world away from oil as a fuel? When it’s the Middle East that’s been supplying most of the oil and now is allying with China and Russia? What possible better time than now for a Middle East war to shut down oil production?

And once it’s shut down or greatly curtailed, what happens next is starvation on a global scale because trucks and trains can’t run, cars can’t run, farmers can’t buy fertilizer, food crops fail.

To oversee the death by starvation of billions of people would take an implacable mind, a black hole where compassion and guilt are supposed to be. China’s Chairman Mao did exactly this, he enforced the starvation deaths of millions and N. Korea’s Kim Jong-Un regularly starves his “excess people” to death. The attack on Israel was guided by the same mindset, and those who slaughtered and beheaded babies there are also infected with that mental blackness. The point being that there’s plenty of people who utterly lack any concern about others and the more of us that get packed together, the more this attitude grows.

Which is why I woke up, seeing this implacable blackness. It’s just grown too big to ignore any longer. We are driving toward a massive crash. Keep your seat belt fastened.