When Israel went to war with Hamas last month, it didn’t take a day before people started talking about re-occupying the Gaza Strip. For me, this is a no-brainer, they have no choice but to do so if they don’t want all those Muslims staying there, digging new tunnels, firing new rockets, killing more of them. Israel has to push out the Muslims and take over.

No doubt a lot of Muslims will remain, but not so many that they can’t be controlled and re-educated away from Hamas ideology. Most of the Muslims in Israel are happy to be there, they have better, more affluent and healthier lives than anyone living in the Gaza Strip and their children aren’t being taught to be murderers by terrorist fanatics. It’s a sure bet that these same Muslims will be recruited to help bring sanity to those “Palestinians” who end up remaining in the Gaza Strip. The same holds true for the West Bank, as well.

However, this isn’t some future that’s set in cement, it’s merely the planned future, and other things have to happen first: the defeat of Hamas and the exodus of many of the rest of the Muslims into Jordan and Egypt. This latter is going to take some heavy diplomacy and haggling even when it’s accepted that the “Two State Solution” is forever dead and buried and never to return, and it may require an invasion of Jordan by Israel to force the issue.

At any time, the Muslim nations surrounding Israel may decide to attack them, to prevent them from winning the war with Hamas, or in the hope of just overwhelming them while they’re so entrenched in the war in Gaza, or to keep them from taking back the West Bank and Gaza Strip, always with the disastrous consequences I’ve outlined before. Nothing is ever certain until it’s already happened.

I may be wrong, but that’s okay, I’ll keep saying it until I’m proven wrong, that events happening in tiny little Israel right now will be the catalyst that triggers massive global events. If this wasn’t true, then there would be no war there. This is part of a plan, all this has plainly been orchestrated, and for a purpose and the destabilizing of the Middle East is part of that purpose.

Anyone who doesn’t think that a Middle East in turmoil won’t result in massive global events just hasn’t been paying attention.

2 thoughts on “MOVING TO GAZA”

  1. Well, it does make sense.

    Amen to that.

    Fingers crossed.

    Let’s wait and see.

    1. Shakespeare wrote, in a play, “All the world’s a stage and we are but players”. This was never more true than today, because now, most of what happens has been planned, much of it years ago. I’m not a big fan of “the Illuminati” , “the Bilderbergs” and other famed conspiracy cabals, I suppose they exist but I have no interest in them. It’s the history of events, the obvious lies, the overt moves by those in power that tell us who is NOT in charge more than who is. Only a few of those truly behind the shaping of world events have shown themselves. The rest remain in hiding. George Soros and Claus Schwab, the members of the CDC and WHO, the board of Blackstone are some of the architects. People like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, other Leftist billionaires get headlines but they’re just stage hands and actors, they’re not writing the script.
      This is the perspective that I work from when I write posts, and I know it’s difficult to follow because most people are focused on the actors and the set scenery and don’t see where the plot is heading. Sorry about the poor analogy, it is a poor one, because there’s not just one stage, there’s dozens, all with different acts and different actors, yet they all have the same theme. It’s that theme that’s behind what I write.
      I don’t believe that any major human events happen anymore that aren’t part of the plan, outside of natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. As Timothy Leary, the LSD guru once said, “See how each part fits the whole”. Simple words, deep meaning.

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