Our open borders, thanks to the Globalist cabal now running America, is allowing millions of unvetted foreigners to swarm in, who are seeking an easier, more affluent life. Most of them are trying to escape the grinding poverty of their home country, so they come here and increase it for us.

They go to the big cities because that’s where the welfare offices are, where they can melt into the other millions here illegally and be accepted, get free food, free money and maybe a good job for those who actually want to work.

As they keep pouring in, there’s less and less places for them to be. As many and as large as our cities are, there’s still only so much room in them and they’re getting filled to capacity. They can’t fill up the small towns because there’s no jobs, no places to live and the people won’t tolerate bums putting up tents on their sidewalks and in front of their stores.

For example, on my last visit to my bank I used the parking area behind it and saw a woman camping at the back of the lot. When I went inside I told them about it, they called the Sheriff and some deputies came out and took her away.

My home is plenty ample for a single man, on a large lot, so I have a large workshop, and several storage sheds, a nice garden and plenty of back yard space for chickens and ducks and so forth along with solar panels and a wind turbine if the power fails. I have room, lots of room. This much living space in any big American city would rent for at least $6000 a month, or more. Lots more. But because it’s in a remote little community I bought it cheap, so I pay no rent, and it’s not shabby, it’s a nice, good looking home.

Which is why I titled this “Good Choices”. Many of those coming here looking for a better life are living in tents and little shelters made of cardboard boxes and plastic tarpaulins, in a space about 5 by 6 feet, jammed up next to thousands of others, on sidewalks and under freeway overpasses, digging their food out of restaurant garbage cans and pissing and shitting in the street. They made a Bad Choice.

Most of them are discovering that they were better off staying where they were. They were eating okay there, I know because most of them look fat when they come in, they weren’t starving, they just want to live the American Dream and instead destroy it simply by overwhelming the system, and find themselves living on a sidewalk when they had a better standard of living at home.

But they keep on pouring in, because right now our government is giving them lots of free welfare stuff to attract them. Having gone into detail before why they’re doing this, I won’t do it again now, just to say that it will eventually stop when the money runs out. Then the reality of all those bad choices may finally sink in.

3 thoughts on “GOOD CHOICES”

  1. I’ll add to this that Kissinger’s being Jewish didn’t necessarily make him what he was. Probably the opposite. Actual practicing Jews don’t tend to be evil men, though it’s our genetics that mostly define who we are. Chuck Schumer is a Jew and the biggest single piece of corrupt shit in our Congress. He was also a close friend of Dirty Harry Reid, the worst, most evil, greedy and corrupt person ever to hold public office in my memory, and Reid was a Christian.
    Any time a person gets power, they go apeshit with it. Military officers do, they take crap from higher officers and dump it on those below them. Put a store clerk in charge of a sales department and that clerk will start giving orders and thinking he or she is a god. Power doesn’t make assholes out of good people, it brings out the asshole that was already inside them.

    1. What Henry Kissinger actually did is something of a mystery. Sometimes he was a war hawk and then would switch to peace negotiator. He promoted the war in Vietnam, yet we never bombed Hanoi, which was the key to ending it, and then he promoted peace talks. The whole war was a big stain on America and the loss of 50,000 young American lives and far more young Vietnamese lives, and we never belonged there in the first place. So I’m not a big fan of Henry Kissinger.

      We took over there from France, protecting their rubber tree plantations that were no longer needed anyway because man-made rubber became cheaper and better. We fought that war because the Military-Industrial complex was making a fortune off it, at taxpayer expense, churning out bombs and bullets. Kissinger knew all this.

      He also colluded with Nixon to open up trade with Communist China under the ruthless dictator Chairman Mao, who probably ordered the outright murders by starvation and execution of more people than Adolf Hitler killed. Kissinger and Nixon enabled the Chinese Communist Party to grow into the global threat it is today.
      The only good thing, or at least I think it was probably a good thing, but it may not have been, was the work he put into a nuclear treaty with the Soviet Union. I know little of that so I can’t really say.

      Kissinger was generally seen as a warmonger and a lot of people at the time felt he was an evil man. I tend to agree with that. At the time I felt he had too much power for a presidential advisor, that he was dangerous, a warmonger and not good for the country.

      You can read all the Leftist media eulogies praising him, but if the MSM tells you he was a great man, that should be enough to tell you that he was a walking disaster for our country.

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