The war in Israel wouldn’t be happening now if the USA hadn’t forced the young state of Israel into accepting the partitioning off of what are called the West Bank and Gaza Strip land areas into autonomous zones for Arab Muslims. Once this was done, then Israel was force to allow them to govern themselves separately from the Israeli government, by having “mayors” in charge of the cities.

Immediately they formed central governments, and the two zones governments started competing with each other for power over both zones, with the Palestine Liberation Org. in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza. Then the demands began in the UN for the two zones to combine into a separate state within Israel and Jerusalem, the heart of Israel, as it’s capitol.

The whole plan from the beginning was to take over the Jewish state from within, piece by piece, but it has two major flaws, which is why it failed. The first is that Muslims never get along with each other, they all want to be Muslim Number One, and they keep killing each other playing King of the Mountain. Even when they were actually offered their own state, they refused, because they never wanted a separate state, they wanted all of it. They want the Jews gone.

The Jews don’t get along with each other either, they not only disagree constantly over politics but also over all their religious differences. What makes them different from the Muslims is that they value life and their religion actually is peaceful, and when faced with a common enemy they all come together to deal with it instead of fighting amongst themselves.


When it became obvious that Hamas/PLO efforts to take over Israel were never going to happen, then they invaded Israel and slaughtered as many Jews as they could manage along with the most disgusting and outrageous acts they could commit, and they did this to spark a massive response that would result in the destruction of cities and deaths of thousands of non-combatants.

The Muslims made sure that thousands died by forcing the non-combatant citizens to stay in areas they knew would be bombed. The more women and children that were killed, the better, because videos of the carnage could be, and are, being broadcast to the world by all the Leftist media, while news announcers rail against “those evil Jews” and spew lies about them deliberately killing innocent civilians.

And it’s working. World sentiment is strongly against the Jews now, not just in Israel but everywhere. The Jews are being attacked everywhere and unless something changes, it’s going to get worse. There’s big pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian demonstrations going on, demanding a cease-fire. The world is mostly ignoring the slaughter, rape and kidnapping of Israelis by Hamas. There’s no global outrage at this, only outrage at Israel for fighting back.

This is the reason for this war. To get the whole world united against the Jews and if you read the news, that’s exactly what’s happening. It wasn’t hard, really. Most people don’t like Jews anyway, for a number of reasons but I think mostly because, for the Christians, they killed Jesus, and for everyone else, they claim to be God’s Chosen People, which puts them special and above the rest of us. That just tends to piss people off and it pisses off the Muslims most of all.

Again, do you see why I’m following this so closely? Israel has nuclear weapons and the world is turning against them. If it were your survival as a people at stake and you had nukes you could use to save yourselves with, what would you do?


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