When I saw that several states were trying to keep Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot, I thought, this is nuts, this will be immediately challenged in court, and it was, the efforts failed and Trump will be on the ballot in those states.

Now Colorado has just passed a law convicting Trump of a crime without a trial that they say gives them the right to ban him from the ballot in 2024, and California is about to pass a similar law.

So Texas and Florida are saying they’re going to ban Biden. Who’s next? Which states will ban who? Will all the Blue states (Democrat) ban all the Red (Republican) candidates and all the Red states ban all the Democrats?

All these ludicrous attempts to steal the next presidential election are claimed to be done to “protect democracy”, while they’re actually helping destroy it. But not by much because it’s already pretty much lost here.

What this “ban” crap is really about is people competing for position. Everyone wants to be a Commissar in the Uniparty, and if the gang in power in a state can get away with banning people they don’t like from the best jobs, they’ll do it, it helps consolidate their own power.

Does this remind you of The Mob, the Mafia, Organized Crime? It should, because that’s exactly what it is, and the Wash. DC Cabal is happy to let these local “families” consolidate their corruption as long as they stay in line with the Grand Plan. Everyone is kissing the ring of the Cabal Godfather now.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court will hear all the Ban lawsuits and no doubt deny Colorado and California any right to ban Trump or anyone else without a criminal trial and conviction. Otherwise things could get violent and the only people the Cabal wants to see shooting other people are Antifa, BLM and their own little armies shooting at the rest of us.

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