A new article in the Jerusalem Post discusses the possibility that Yahya Sinwar, the top Hamas terrorist in Israel, may have escaped into Egypt through a tunnel, taking some of the hostages with him.

None of the surrounding mooslime nations want to harbor Hamas people because they’re such troublemakers. Egypt doesn’t want them, Hamas will bring them nothing but grief because they’ll try to take over the country.

Right now Egypt is preparing a large area outside their side of the city of Rafah for refugees from there to go to when Israel attacks Rafah to kill off the Hamas terrorists infesting it. Israel announced today that unless the hostages are released by then, they will attack Rafah on March 10, which is the beginning of Ramadan, the mooslime month of fasting and of course, very holy to mooslimes but not to anyone else, anywhere else, ever, because Islam is shit. I just had to point that out. Other religions are shit as well, of course. Islam happens to be the shittiest.

Having their sacred month ruined by the Jews might be enough to make them let their hostages go, but I doubt it. A few might be released, though. Hamas is not what it was when the war began and it’s fragmented, different groups holding various hostages and not in communication with each other.

What my hunch is, is that I have a feeling that Egypt might just give up Yahya to Israel in exchange for some concessions regarding what Israel does in attacking Rafah, or regarding the impending refugee situation.

Egypt is between a rock and a hard place right now over this war because the Houthi mooslimes in Yemen have been attacking the ships that traverse the Suez Canal, which is a MAJOR SOURCE OF INCOME for money-poor Egypt, and they say they won’t stop until the war ends. Shipping on the Canal is down by 50%, and so are the fees that Egypt collects from ships that use it. This is killing Egypt, it’s a primary source of revenue.

So you see what I’m getting at. Yahya Sinwar would actually be a real prize if the Egyptians got hold of him to trade to the Israelis. They’d just have to do it in a way that didn’t make enemies with the OPEC mooslimes. Israel getting Yahya would do a lot to shorten the war.

The beat goes on, as the song says. It’s fun to watch, really, as the Israelis finally do something to end the constant attacks from the vipers in their midst.

One thought on “JUST A HUNCH”

  1. That’s a point worth be teached in Class Books:

    “Islam is shit. I just had to point that out. Other religions are shit as well, of course. Islam happens to be the shittiest.”

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