“The Biden administration has plowed almost $700,000 to support the creation of a national pregnancy prevention program for transgender (FAKE) boys..”

The program will utilize a text-messaging program designed for “cisgender (REAL) sexual minority (NEGRO AND HISPANIC ONLY) girls” aged between 14-18 to “address social and structural influences of sexual behavior” in “trans” males, the grant’s description says.

A description for the grant says transgender boys “may be less likely to use condoms when having sex with people who have penises and are at least as likely as cisgender girls to be pregnant.”

INTERPRETED, this mean: Our Genius Leaders have taken $700,000 of our tax money and given it away to some anonymous “charity” to study how to keep Negro and Hispanic girls pretending to be boys from getting pregnant by real boys. White kids don’t matter here, I guess.

OH GOD FORBID that girls who decide they’d rather be boys and go ahead and have sex with boys anyway, should get pregnant. I mean, what does that say about being Trans?

It says that it’s BULLSHIT and every time some so-called “Trans”-boy (girl) gets pregnant, it just makes all this trans shit look stupider, and since white girl-boys aren’t included in this, is that because white girls are smarter? Because that’s what you’re saying here and I would agree, even though you still have to be intensely stupid to want to mutilate your body.



    The Democrats are diving toward disaster and they know it. They are committed and can’t turn back. Joe Biden is their candidate and he has dementia. They can pretend that Joe is alert and on the case, but Americans can see through such gaslighting. Joe’s far-left policies are a disaster. Joe’s poll numbers are a disaster. Joe is a disaster.

    There aren’t many candidates out there who can replace Biden. The candidate pool is small—there are no alternatives who can offer Trump a challenge. Sure, they all seem to want Gavin Newsom. Jake Tapper slobbered all over Gavin in a recent interview. Newsom is like Biden, only he can tell lies clearer and faster. Gavin ruined California so he might be a good fit since the Democrats seem bent on ruining America.

    There are still people who think Michelle Obama will shoulder her way in and take the convention’s nomination. ‘Big Mike’ represents eight more years for Barack. We hope she does run—it will make for some fun cartoons.

    Last and least is Kamala Harris, who is universally hated even by her own staff—and the turnover has been amazing. Her staff doesn’t like her. Nobody likes her. Nobody will vote for her. Nobody wants to listen to her as she chuckles out her strange three word cadences and nasal whine.

    Yes, the pool is very shallow, but the Democrats have no choice but to dive in.

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