According to the USDA, we’ve lost 140,000 farms just in the last 5 years. There are about 2 million farms in the country as of now and the number is decreasing due to inflation and regulations, including Sustainable Agriculture.

Sustainable agriculture is basically keeping the land as fertile for the next crop as it was for the last crop. Using organic methods, recycling, composting and so on. This is the reason the farmers in Sweden are blocking highways with their tractors, because their government is forcing this on them, they can’t afford it, and it’s putting the farms in Sweden out of business.

Well, big surprise, it’s doing the same thing here, at a time when our country is being flooded with millions of extremely poor people and food prices are soaring while food availability is decreasing.

Sustainability is a good thing, actually. It’s conserving the soil instead of wearing it out and making it useless. In the Antelope Valley, Calif., where the cities of Palmdale, Lancaster and Quartz Hill are, the land was heavily farmed for alfalfa using the fossil water that was just a few feet underground. Nothing was done to supplant the water or fertilize the soil, it was all profit and nothing put back. Today the fields are barren and only weeds grow and the water table is too deep now to be worth drilling for.

The problem is that Sustainable farms produce less food than unsustainable ones, at a much higher cost, and there’s too many people to be able to feed them Sustainably. This is why Bill Gates and others are developing BUG FARMS, to feed people crickets. Cricket protein.

And this is why I’m Pro Globalism. Unsustainable farms and population increase will result in the mass of people eating bugs and Soylent Green. There’s no other choice. Food will be grown in vats to feed the masses unless there’s a big reduction in the world’s population.


UPS, the primary package handler in the USA, has started handing off packages to the Post Office for delivery in small towns like mine, instead of driving their big, gas guzzling delivery vans around to all the spread-out addresses of country people. The Post office has a contract with UPS to take the packages and deliver them, but won’t deliver them but enjoys getting paid to do so anyway. The Post Office lets them sit and gives the customer a card in their mail that says they have a package, if you want it come and get it. Most of them are Amazon packages.

After diligently searching the Internet for ways to contact any live person at UPS or Amazon regarding anything, there is no way to do so with UPS and no way to talk to anyone without a strong accent with Amazon.

So it’s a crap shoot. Sometimes UPS will deliver to your door, sometimes not. Same with the Post Office. One solution is for the Post Office to cut off their delivery contract with UPS and force UPS to deliver their own stuff, but they won’t cut them off because they don’t deliver the UPS stuff anyway, they just take the money and UPS doesn’t care because they gave the responsibility to the Post Office.

Maybe I’m just paranoid but I was wondering how the Globalists were going to force people out of the small, remote towns and into the cities, and this is one good way to do it.


Measles is making a continuing comeback in America as migrants continue to be allowed to swarm in without any of the medical checks that are supposed to be required before entry. The CDC has reported that new cases of it are rapidly appearing.

Virulent tuberculosis, very contagious and nearly impossible to treat, has also come in with the migrants along with Whooping Cough.

When Europeans first came to North America they brought Smallpox with them. They had some level of immunity to it, enough that the death rate from it was low, but the indigenous population had no immunity at all and it wiped out entire tribes.

Many of these migrants are bush people who lived in small communities and shared immunities to the local diseases. We here in the States don’t have their immunities, and diseases constantly mutate. This new outbreak of measles could leave a lot of us made sterile, with brain damage or dead.

That’s just the “childhood disease” of measles. What other diseases are they bringing in that are unknown to us?

There’s a reason these people aren’t being checked for diseases before they’re allowed in. It wouldn’t take very long, they have waiting periods anyway before they get their free pass into America, and it wouldn’t cost nearly as much as the damage to our economy all the sickness causes.

When the next Pandemic is unleashed, it will be blamed on the migrants, even though it will probably be created in a lab in Ukraine and meanwhile, the spread of diseases as the weather warms will give them an excuse to demand we wear masks again and take more “vaccine” shots.


Fuckjoe Biden has just been made the Uniparty’s 2024 Presidential candidate, while Donald Trump is assured of being the Uniparty’s other 2024 Presidential candidate.

In a Punch and Judy show, the characters are all puppets manipulated by just one person. In our elections, the characters are all puppets manipulated by just one political party.

It’s all just meant for entertainment. The people watching the show can’t see the puppet master, and if the acting is good enough, they can forget that they’re looking at puppets.

What this bit of news tells me is that the Uniparty has absolutely zero respect for the American public, to offer this decrepit old man a second time as one of the candidates for the Empty Chair. And you know, I’ve lost all respect for the American public too.


“The US, Iran, and Russia cooperate in a joint naval exercise in India”.

“On a rare occasion, the US, Iran, and Russia, known for their strained relations and conflicting interests, completed a joint exercise.”

“The 12th edition of naval exercise MILAN was hosted in Visakhapatnam this February. It is not a regular naval drill but an important diplomatic event that also puts India’s growing influence under the spotlight, as reported by navy recognition.”

“Despite tensions between the countries, “in an unprecedented move, naval ships from the US, Iran, and Russia were participating in the exercise.”

What the hell is going on here?


From the Daily Mail: “An Israel expert claims the Biden administration asked them how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu could be toppled from power.”

Note that it says “the Biden administration” and not “Pres. Biden”. No one in media is fooled and thinks it’s Biden calling the shots. It’s the Cabal.

They want Netanyahu to stop winning. They want to force Israel right back into another “Two State Solution” so terrorists can rule the Gaza Strip and murder Jews again. Why? Because as long as Israel is kept in a perpetual state of assault, it makes the Muslims happy and the Cabal is on the side of the OPEC nations. Which are all Muslim, of course.

Netanyahu is now faced with a terrible decision. He can do what the Cabal tells him to, not send troops into Rafah to finish the fight with Hamas, back off and accept a hostage trade that allows the terrorists to take over the Gaza Strip again.

Or he can tell the USA to shove it, and I believe he just did that because he’s announced that he too has a “red line”, which is allowing a return of Hamas. Now we wait to see what the Cabal does. It won’t be good. Biden made a crack about making Netanyahu have a “Come to Jesus moment”, meaning Biden expects him to be spanked like a schoolboy and given his orders “or else”.

There’s a lot the Cabal can do to harm Israel, like cut off the munitions and spare parts sales, sanction their exports and imports both, freeze bank accounts and so on. The question is how far would they go, since Israel is a big deal with Christians and a lot of our politicians are either Christians or make a show of being Christian and there would be some serious pushback if they felt the Cabal went too far.

Much depends on just how much pleasing the OPECs means to the Cabal.

Why this is a terrible decision to make is simple. If he is obedient to the Cabal, Israel is lost to the terrorists. If he isn’t, an Israel without a US military ally will be attacked from all sides and may be lost anyway. There is a third option, which is to destroy Iran with nuclear weapons and stop them from ever financing terrorists again.

If this were done, the other terrorist factions might back off rather than suffer the same fate, or they might attack from all sides and wipe Israel off the map, or Israel might get nuked by Russia, which is an ally of Iran. Who knows?

Personally, I trust Netanyahu to make the right decisions. His track record isn’t perfect, but Israel is strong today with him guiding the nation. It’s all the other guys I don’t trust.


An old proverb that remains true. Wartime is when most technology really advances because that’s when necessity is greatest. In fact, the constant state of war somewhere on Earth at any given time may be deliberate to drive our continued technological advances.

Right now, our greatest need is energy. Electricity. The mass production of electric cars and trucks and all the electrical gadgets that have replaced the old hand-operated devices, the AI industry, cryptocurrency mining, the Internet, the migrations of people from poor nations with low to no electric grid to First World developed nations, has put an enormous strain on the ability to provide the needed power.

A breakthrough is necessary to provide more power. It could be fusion power or some other new way of either generating power or drawing it from an inexhaustible source. It has to happen or the overloaded power grids that exist now will fail, and if they do, everything else will fail along with them. Everything in civilization will shut down and end if the power grids fail. Everything.

We will have a breakthrough. I have no doubt.


It’s been apparent for several years now that the only thing still standing in the way of the Globalist Cabal in America is the Supreme Court. They’ve take over everything else, from the CIA, FBI and the other alphabetical-acronym institutions to the city, county and state district attorney’s offices and most of the Circuit Court judges.

They’ve taken over the school districts and schools, they’ve take over the doctors and hospitals, the online social platforms and the Main Stream Media.

They’ve taken over the voting system and instituted China-made ballot counting machines that are programmed to call the votes any way they want, they count the ballots in secret in violation of our Constitution and no one does anything at all about it.

They even create a fake pandemic and force everyone to wear face masks and stay home, do “social distancing” and shut down churches and restaurants.

The only thing left with any power that still stands in their way is our Supreme Court, and this was just made obvious by it’s unanimous decision that Donald Trump can not be kept off state’s ballots in the coming election because of claims that he violated the Insurrection Clause of the Constitution. Only Congress can do this.

The Left has been wanting to either abolish the Supreme Court or pack it with lots of Leftist extra judges for a few years now. A few more decisions that stymie the Globalists agenda and that might be the end of it. They have the power now to do it, so don’t be surprised when it happens.


“FINALLY: Jan 6 CCTV Footage is NOW Being Released EN MASSE”

That’s one of today’s headlines, cheering the release of the videos taken on Jan. 6, 2021, OVER THREE YEARS AGO, crowing about the closed circuit videos taken inside the Congressional Building finally being released after all this time.

Why is it a joke? Because now, after 3 years, the Cabal has already put everyone in prison for being there, that they wanted to, they’ve already destroyed the Proud Boys organization and the lives of thousands of people who were there by prosecuting them into jails, prisons and ruinous fines, and they don’t need to hide the videos any longer. Of course, they’ve also redacted any parts of them that prove the innocence of anyone that matters to them, that they want to keep imprisoned.

That’s why it’s a joke. Telling us what a Wonderful Thing this is when it doesn’t mean shit. It’s way too late and way too little. Question everything.


The border between the United States and Mexico is 1,954 miles (3,145 km) long. It separates 4 states, California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, from Mexico and it’s too long to defend with just fences, even really big fences.

Right now there’s about a million migrants every 4 or 5 months coming in, according to sources both official and unofficial. A really accurate count is impossible because so many of them are coming in unseen.

Fences aren’t stopping these people, border patrol agents aren’t stopping them and our government is making no effort to stop them, just the opposite, it’s encouraging them.

Now thousands of military age young Chinese men are coming in.

Question: How do you invade a country with your army? Answer: Send in the troops without uniforms and guns, as migrants.

The wildfire in Texas where 85% of the nations beef cattle are raised and fed is nearly 2 million acres in size now. No cattle feed, no steak for dinner. The US beef industry is being wiped out while the population that needs food is rapidly increasing. The fire is being blamed on “Climate Change” and “High winds” instead of what started it, which is fire, and where it started, and no one is telling. Most fires are started by people.

And the drumbeat goes on.