French Pres. Macron wants to put French troops in Ukraine. Supposedly not as actual combatants, but we all know how this “observer status” and “advisors” works out. They end up being forced to fight to defend themselves and then more troops are sent in to “help defend them” and it becomes a full scale invasion.

France is a NATO nation so of course, this will also lead to NATO involvement, and there’s a lot of ongoing talk anyway about Ukraine joining NATO. Putin’s been threatening for years that if Ukraine joined NATO he would use nuclear weapons, it would be World War III, everyone would die, blah blah blah.

Germany, meanwhile, is happily selling munitions to Israel and would probably love the added business of selling arms to Ukraine and being paid in American Ukraine-aid dollars, so of course they’d have to have “advisors” in Ukraine too, to make sure the locals know how to make them go Bang. One more vote for NATO membership for Ukraine.

So, Ukraine may be a NATO member yet, with NATO nations sending in troops to fight the Russians and VOILA! Another Endless War has begun that no one wants to win because everyone in the Military-Industrial Complex of the world is getting rich making and selling bullets and bombs while the military cemeteries of the dead continue to fill up with the bodies of lower class citizens. Heroes all.

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