The US has, or I should say HAD, now, an air base in Niger used as a drone base for surveilling and attacking terrorist groups in neighboring countries. But last year there was coup in Niger, which is full of nigers, who decided to let the Russians bribe them for awhile instead of Americans.

So the nigers basically made hostages of the 1000 Americans at the base until our government agreed to give them the base and leave Niger to the nigers.

These people are stupid. Seriously. Low IQ, low level humans and now they’re playing with the Russians. What could possibly go wrong? No outside nation has ever successfully maintained a positive relationship with any of these sub-species. Eventually the natives go into a frenzy and start killing the white people, no matter how good they have it, how much better off they are. Negroes have no impulse filter, their brains aren’t much better than a wild ape and it was inevitable that our turn to be given the boot would come around. Good luck to the Russians, ha ha ha.

Annnnd, in a 9 to 0 ruling, our Supreme Court ruled that Diversity is bullshit and employees “can take legal action against employers who push discrimination against white people in job hiring, work assignment and promotion. That’s right, those “diversity-preferred” job postings, the practice of passing over whites for promotions, discriminatory job transfers, pushing unfair diversity trainings, etc…all of these are now legally actionable.” (Posted by “Freedom Piper) on X.

This is interesting. The Diversity crowd just lost all their power. They can be sued for their bullshit now. It makes me wonder if this is a trend back to normalcy, a shutting down of the Trans insanity maybe. Surely the real powers running this country must be getting pretty sick of this crap by now. Anyway, I personally hope this is a sign of it.

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