Co2 , the Greenhouse gas that all the Libtarded dickheads want to stop the world’s people from producing, is why there’s life on this planet.
Carbon Dioxide is .04% of our atmosphere. That’s 4/100ths of 1 percent. It’s barely there at all. It has increased from .03% over the past 100 YEARS but it’s good to remember that if it goes down to .02%, the worlds plants will start dying because Carbon Dioxide is PLANT FOOD. All plants including both fresh and salt water algae REQUIRE and consume the carbon in Carbon Dioxide and release the oxygen back into the atmosphere.
By doing so, they keep our air breathable, constantly replenishing the oxygen we animals all need to stay alive. So what happens when the Co2 in our atmosphere increases? Yes, it does increase the greenhouse effect which causes the global temperature to rise, and IT ALSO causes plants to grow bigger and lusher. It increases crop yields, makes trees grow faster and produce more lumber faster. Co2 is the single biggest source of fertilizer on Earth.
If you really want the levels of Co2 to stop increasing, then stop wiping out all the rain forests that were the main reason the level stayed constant and now their absence is the main reason the level is rising. It’s as simple as that. If we want our increased release of Co2 to be reduced, stop killing off the forests that reduce it.
Yeh. Me. Senile.
LOL, well, maybe not yet. But thanks for the laugh.
Quite. Can anyone name a far left government that hasn’t been a corrupt economic basket case? If people can’t use their talent to grow their own wealth they just seek power within the state.
Yup, very true. Socialism in it’s purest form and applied in moderation can be greatly beneficial. The problem is that while it may start out that way, it never stays that way. A perfect case in point is our Social Security. A very small percentage of our wages is taken out and added to the general fund, and our contributions to that fund are kept track of throughout our working lives. Then when we retire, all that money has gained interest and grown and we can draw a monthly check until we pass away. Unfortunately, every time the fund grows large, our elected shitheads borrow most of it for pet projects and only pay back interest, never the debt, so when retirement time comes around, your share is figured based not only on what you paid in but on what remains to be paid out, and you’re screwed. If the funds were untouchable by law on threat of hanging, we wouldn’t have so many poor people. But that’s real Socialism in actual practice and why I’m so much against it. It sounds so good and turns out so bad.
Absolutely. I hated that Bolsonaro for what he was doing to the Amazon Rainforest. With all the attention on cutting oil usage etc. I think the reduction in our forests, and natural environment generally, is something that largely seems to be ignored.
Central and Southern California was once covered in low forests and brush before the farmers came along and put it all into farms. But the farms still did much the same job of absorbing the Co2, until they were paved over and turned into condominiums. This is not a generalization. I used to fly in my brothers plane over hundreds of miles of that land and each time I saw less farms and more blocks of pavement and buildings until, one day, there wasn’t a farm left to be seen. We have covered the Earth with our homes and shops and wonder why the weather is changing.
Fact Check: Bolsonaro did accelerate the process but the SOCIALIST government started destroying Brazil’s rain forests in the 1960’s, so it went on a LONG TIME before he gained office. But it’s not just Brazil, there’s Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana as well.
Socialism is just luke-warm Communism, it’s all about this “equity” bullshit that says everyone gets to share in the pot whether they contributed to it or not. It’s wonderful for the parasites and leeches and impoverishes everyone else, mostly because the government is in charge of the pot and how much of all they collect from us goes into it. Which also explains why they’re all so rich and entitled.
Capitalism has it’s faults, big faults, but stop and look around, the Socialists are all Capitalists too. It’s not profit they hate, it’s individual freedom. Citizens are to be controlled, citizens are property. Only the Elite are free.
Did I put reply to the wrong post or does it always go to the top? Senile old git if former.