The plan is working. If you don’t believe it, you haven’t been watching France burn.

This isn’t a mistake, this isn’t a misguided effort gone wrong. This is the deliberate destruction of Western society. Not the civilization, but the society, the social standards, the mores and morals of Western civilization, the values, the ethics, the rules of conduct.

When you take millions of coal-black African Muslims with IQ’s mostly below 70, from backwards nations and insert them into technologically advanced White Christian society, they are unable to adapt and assimilate. Their religion forbids it and the total alien-ness of Western civilization prohibits it. They seldom ever bathe or shower or brush their teeth, they’re bound by their tribal affiliations and mutual conflicts, they eat different foods and have different habits. They simply don’t belong.

They look at all the fine things Europeans have and the fine homes they live in and know they’ll never have those things themselves, and they become envious and jealous and start to hate. So finally, they rise up and start destroying what the Whites have, and loot, and burn.

A lot of us thought that this was the take-down of France. I did. But no, this looks like an organized distraction, instead. The young black hoodlum who was shot dead by a French policeman wasn’t planned, probably, but the riots were allowed to happen and expand to major proportions before the French police were finally allowed to step in and stop them.

Will there now be, logically, a major deportation of these dangerous people? That’s the only sensible move, isn’t it?

No, there will not. The millions of angry immigrant misfits will be kept simmering for the next time they’re needed to frighten the real Europeans and provide a political distraction, and meantime they’re still successfully wrecking European society. Think Global.


This is a quote from the British “Daily Mail“:

“Transgender” (my quotation marks) children will be able to wear the school uniform of either sex under new Government guidance, it has been revealed.

The advice, which is set to be published in the next fortnight, will tell schools that children are allowed to ‘socially transition’ to whichever gender identity they want to if they have consent from their parents.

Children will be allowed to change their names and pronouns and wear whichever uniform they choose to, The Times reports.

Schools will also be told to ban pupils from using toilets and changing areas of the opposite sex.”

The only sane part of this mindfucking of pre-pubescent kiddies is not allowing them to use the private areas of the ACTUAL opposite sex. Otherwise, the UK is joining full-bore with the WEF strategy to stop children from reproducing before they even start.


Refugee camp in Syria…

This is a real refugee camp for people displaced by the endless civil war in Syria. Those are real tents, that’s real poverty, hunger and squalor.

Refugee camp in Somalia… This is also a real tent city full of refugees fleeing war.

This, below, is the Al Shati “Refugee Camp” in Gaza. Oh those poor people in those ragged tents, you can see how they must suffer. This photo is of an average “Palestinian Refugee camp”. Al Jazeera News and the MSM keep calling these cities in Gaza and the West Bank “Refugee Camps” so I just thought I’d point out what a total lie that is. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war when the Muslims attacked Israel and the Israelis kicked their asses, the UNWRA, the corrupt United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, set up tent camps for the losers. That was 75 years ago and those tents are long gone.

Beach camp, Gaza Strip. © 2016 UNRWA Photo by Tamer Hamam

What you see below is the city of Shu’fat “Refugee Camp”. Shu’fat was set up in 1965 near Jerusalem to provide improved living conditions for 500 Muslim families who were living in crowded conditions in Old Jerusalem. But for propaganda purposes it’s called a Palestinian Refugee Camp. it’s a thriving city of Muslims now in Jerusalem, Israel and it’s still being called a refugee camp. Does it look like one?


Seriously, I did, I had this strange and wonderful dream last night where I was living in a small country community and we had no serious problems because we all got along well with each other.

It was normal for us all to spread happiness and joy to our friends and neighbors, we avoided anger, we didn’t get involved in negative behavior, bullying, harassing, stealing. We helped each other, were supportive of each other. When someone joined us who wouldn’t behave, and made trouble, they were pushed out. It was a wonderful community to live with.

Then, of course, I woke up.

So as usual, first thing I do after getting dressed and sitting down at my pc with a cup of coffee is read the news, and, avoiding the war news, I read that the IinC (Idiots in Charge) of Los Angeles are about to declare the city a Sanctuary City for illegal aliens. They already have the worst homeless people problem in the nation, with the sidewalks covered in tents and cardboard shacks, because they keep pouring money into support services for the homeless, which just attracts more and more of them to come there.

Now they’re going to do the same for illegal aliens, who actually make up a large percentage of these massive homeless camps anyway. It’s really just an excuse to provide even more tax money to help worsen things. Here’s a link to a Photo Gallery of Los Angeles homeless camps. See for yourself.

Our “leaders” are encouraging homelessness and illegal immigration, encouraging homosexuality and the “Trans” insanity and teaching children they can change their sex, promoting pedophilia, teaching Critical Race Theory in schools, which is hatred of white people, ramping up inflation and spreading poverty. The growing homeless tent camps are destroying business districts and spreading into urban areas, increasing crime such as theft, assaults and rape while trashing entire neighborhoods.

No wonder I have dreams like that.

The financial pages keep saying that employment is up, up, steadily up, while unemployment is down, way down, the stock market is up, everything is great, we’re all prospering. Really? Then why can’t I walk down a sidewalk in any major US city anymore without having to step off into the gutter to walk around all the tents? Why do all the cities stink of shit from people with no toilets? Why are so many big corporations shutting down thousands of retail outlets, fast food, mall stores, grocery stores, Walmarts?

Fortunately, I DO live in a small community and while it is in California, it’s at least 150 miles from Los Angeles, with no employment opportunities and no support services for lazy “homeless” drug addict/illegal alien human trash. I could have done better, but I didn’t do too bad. If I lived in L.A. I’d be having nightmares instead of happy dreams.


“Scientists find key evidence for existence of nanohertz gravitational waves”

Why am I posting on this, you ask? Because this is a major breakthrough in eventually achieving the ability to nullify gravity. We have known for a long time that gravity waves exist but have never been able to actually detect their frequency. As in radio wave frequencies. Now we know they’re in the nanohertz spectrum.

What’s “nanohertz spectrum”? Nano means at the molecular level or even atomic level, it means almost as tiny as you can get and still exist. Pretty much, anyway. So a nanohertz wave would be shorter than the wavelength of light and detecting a wave that tiny requires technology that we’re just beginning to develop.

When our technology advances to where we’re able to generate waves in the nanohertz spectrum the same as we now generate microwaves and laser beams, we will be building spacecraft that can navigate between planets and the stars using gravity waves. What do you think, should we build round ones? They seem to be a popular shape.


First, I want to wish all my British friends a Happy Independence Day. Not the last one Americans will celebrate, but we are headed to the end of an era, as nations are headed for the scrap heap.

This is normal evolution and not to be mourned. Not long ago, most nations were divided within themselves by tribal affiliations and some still are in the Mid-East and Africa. For most of the world, tribes merged to form nations with borders and boundaries, and tribal distinctions faded. They faded more with the influx of migrants, which is exactly why the migrations of today are happening. To fade the sense of nationality.

Tribes form cities, cities form states, states form alliances and the alliances form a world government. Either that or we wipe ourselves out with our ever more dangerous technology.

We celebrate Independence Day here because of our independence from the tyranny of the British king and the thuggery of British rule. What we don’t celebrate is humanity’s independence from war, because we still obey the dictates of greedy, insane rulers like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

A Global, One-World government is unlikely to finally bring true freedom to humanity. At least I hope not, because few humans respect it enough to let other people alone. We always have to interfere and tell each other how to live, to the point where we fight and kill over our differences.

To me, true freedom for humanity will be when we all live under the same rules and are forced to respect those rules and each other whether we want to or not. Simple as that. Because, you know, this is how America used to be.


Over 3000 farms have been forcibly seized from the farmers who owned them in the Nederlands to “make room for incoming migrants”. In other words, more food production is being shut down in an area that feeds much of Europe, and more people are being brought in at the same time to increase poverty and hunger.

The Muslim war of conquest being waged now in France has spread to Belgium and Switzerland, and the French military has told Pres. Macron to get it under control quickly or they’ll take over. If they do, that means shooting at the attackers, something the French police have so far not been allowed to do. These people are not rioters, however, they intend to conquer France and are using some heavy weapons in the process. The French army better start taking action soon if they want to keep their country and the same goes for Belgium and Switzerland. When these “rioters” are all screaming “Allahu ackbar”, you’d better understand that it means they’re ready to die for Allah.

Things are happening faster now. The world order is changing rapidly. Are you preparing for it? You’re running out of time, you know.


The Teamsters Union is threatening to call a strike of the 340,000 United Parcel Service (UPS) workers and drivers in the USA if an agreement isn’t reached with UPS before July 31st. UPS has over 52% of the market share of parcel deliveries in the United States and bringing that to a halt would cause massive harm to businesses and citizens who rely on those deliveries for medicines, food, vital supplies.

The Teamsters want higher pay, more benefits, the usual extortions that unions indulge in under threat of debilitating strikes, and any agreement with them will result in higher shipping costs to all the rest of us, which will once again INCREASE INFLATION.

So either way this goes is a big loser for the American public and more damage to our country. There was a time when unions served a good purpose, when workers were at the mercy of big business and it was either work for them at starvation wages or starve altogether, but those times are long past. Our laws now protect the workers and people are well paid, have good working conditions and health insurance.

The unions, on the other hand, have been taken over by organized crime and should have all been shut down a long time ago.