The push is still on to take away our guns, by the Cabal government, and I see a new danger coming that could aid them in this effort.

The big reason that they want to disarm us is so we can’t fight back. The founders of this country wanted to make sure that we could if we had to, which is why they added the Second Amendment to our Constitution, that guarantees our right to own and carry firearms. Not that cities, states and the government haven’t been attacking this right in every conceivable way ever since, of course.

The main effort in passing restrictive laws has been based on incidents of crazy people shooting up crowds and committing mass murder. “This wouldn’t have happened if guns were outlawed”. Yeah, actually it would, there’s billions of guns in America and plenty of ammunition, and outlawing guns will only succeed in making outlaws of gun owners including me.

The reason we’re not all running around shooting each other is because all but a tiny fraction of us much prefer living in peace with our neighbors. But now we’re bringing in thousands upon thousands of present and future Drug Cartel Members who make it a point to slaughter people with firearms, then mutilate the bodies with machetes. When they want to kill someone in a crowd, they just spray the crowd with bullets until their target is dead. Of course, so are lots of other people, but that’s okay, there’s more where they came from, right?

If you don’t think that’s not going to give the Anti-Gun people ammunition to repeal the 2nd Amendment, then you don’t think at all.


I haven’t rattled on about this for awhile now, so why not? It’s always a good idea to keep up with events in the world because we never know which ones will affect us most directly, and these days it’s the machinations of the Globalists pushing their Great Reset that are affecting us the most.

Just for starters, the theft of the US presidential election and before that was even concluded, the Horrible Awful Pandemic of a bug that wasn’t nearly as bad as we were led to believe, but a “vaccine” for it that was a thousand times worse, that and the Remdesiver/Intubation treatment designed to kill everyone who got it and jack the death count up ridiculously.

A good three-fourths of the world’s population was injected with a slow-killing poison, and the death count continues to rise from that. Meanwhile we have the deliberate, planned migrations of literally millions of people as they continue to pour into the United States, in order to homogenize the population and make white people a small minority while spreading disease and increasing poverty and crime as once-great cities are turned into ghettos.

Then there’s the Gender Dysphoria fad that’s being shoved down the throats of America’s children. Perhaps in Europe as well tho I’ve yet to seen any reporting on that, and with the purpose of causing less people to be born. Of reducing the planetary population. Can’t make babies if your genitals are gone.

They’re really on a roll, which makes me wonder, what Globalist trick is next? Let’s give that some thought, shall we? Their primary goal is ridding the Earth of most of us, yet they plainly don’t want our industries to collapse. They want technology to continue developing. I use Elon Musk as my guide on that issue, his activities continue unabated and he continues to expand his scope, exploring new fields. If anyone knows what’s really going on in the world, it’s him.

So what can we expect next? I think another pandemic is in the offing, and this time it will be a real, truly fatal disease that will kill a big chunk of humanity. It’s a sure bet that the smartest and most productive among us will be inoculated against it, and that will be done using the methods we’ve been reading about, by inserting the vaccines in food. Those receiving it won’t even know it, as you can bet this is going to be kept a closely guarded secret from the rest of us.

If I’m right, then the best way to survive it is to stay well-read on tales coming out of the labs that do this work. There’s always a slip-up or a whistle-blower, a leak about what’s being developed, and at least one expert will speak up with info on how to treat the new disease. This happened quickly with Covid, when a variety of medical specialists said to take Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Remember how that good news was so quickly attacked and refuted by our loving and protective government? So keep your eyes and ears open.

Otherwise, about all that’s left are starvation and war. Chairman Mao used starvation to get rid of many millions of Chinese citizens. It works, and starvation doesn’t wreck the infrastructure. I don’t see any major wars breaking out, there’s too much chance of someone using a nuke or three. I could be wrong, tho. Nuclear EMP strikes around the world would result in very little damage to infrastructure but would cause famine and death on a truly massive scale. Which, of course, would achieve the primary Globalist goal.

There’s always the Neutron Bomb, which was outlawed back in the 1960’s, I think. This little marvel emits massive neutron radiation, which kills every living thing but does nothing to infrastructure and leaves no radioactivity behind. The creation of it really freaked out the world and it was immediately demanded that treaties be signed swearing to never make any of them.

So I wonder how many we made and they made. Treaties are made to be broken. But I don’t think they’ll resort to that. They’ll want a much more orderly transition to a small population, and that means either a regulated rate of killings generally or the simultaneous death of groups, so that disposal teams can efficiently remove the corpses. They won’t want to be overwhelmed with a massive number of deaths over a large area and have thousands of corpses rotting away fouling the place up, attracting animals and flies… unless the area is a ghetto that they plan to burn down anyway, of course.

Anyway, more shit is going to hit the fan, as, like I said, they’re on a roll and there’s no way they’re stopping now, not until it’s done and over. Oh, and hey, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. That’s today, Sunday, May 14.


Right now there’s somewhere between 700,000 and 1,000,000 poor people from a variety of Latin American countries and beyond, who are storming our Southern border.

These people are human trash. They’re parasites, like lice or fleas, here to get a free place to live and free food. They bring with them their own parasites, lice and fleas and internal parasites that they give to us in our rivers and streams by shitting in them as they travel along, and by simply being among us and breathing them out.

They’re spreading Chicken Pox among themselves as they congregate at our border, and Tuberculosis, and Whooping Cough and no doubt other diseases that we rid ourselves of with vaccination programs back in the 1940’s and ’50’s.

They’re being welcomed in by our Cabal government for the purpose of destroying our standard of living, by forming enormous homeless encampments on our sidewalks, which destroys our property values, by taking every available job at illegally low wages, by increasing crime, by spreading diseases and by. as the Cabal hopes, mixing their DNA with ours to the point where there are no white people left.

THE FIRST THING THAT WILL HAPPEN because of this is that America will quickly become a land of enclaves. The rich, the elite, are not going to allow these parasites to intrude on their lives, they’ll fence them out. Security gates and private neighborhoods exist now in all our major cities and this is going to greatly expand, watch and see. These “migrants” won’t be welcome or allowed in.

No, it’s the rest of us who will have to endure their presence and try to find ways that let us live together. There will be crime gangs, Mexican Mafias, a great increase in drug deaths and cartel killings, child rape….. Take a look at the barrios, the “favelas” in the big cities of Brazil. That’s what’s coming to our cities.

This is exactly why I chose to live in a remote area. There’s no work here to be had, no homes to rent, literally none. It’s very cold in winter and blistering hot in the summer. In summer even the homeless squatters move out of the valley, it’s just too damn hot. There are homeless here but there’s no support system here to enable them in their parasitic lifestyle the way there is in Los Angeles and the other big cities and they don’t stay long. The parasites like to go where the nice weather and the rich people are.

So I can look at all this from a distance and see it for what it is. I don’t need to hold out hope that things will get better when I know they won’t.


Went out to water the garden yesterday morning and noticed that my newly planted Celebrity tomato plant was a whole lot shorter looking. A gopher had invaded my treasured Fresh Summer Food Factory, found the tomato plant, yanked it down into it’s burrow and ate the roots off it. The little bastard.

Oh but I have gopher traps, never used, set aside for this day that I knew would surely come, and into that burrow went a trap, set to kill without remorse.

And kill it did, broke the little bastards neck, it did, as I saw with glee on pulling the trap from the earth. Yes, I killed it and I’m GLAD, GLAD, I tell you.

Fucking gophers.


An animal tranquilizer, Xylazine, known on the streets as Tranq, is now being frequently found mixed in with the illegal drugs being sold in our cities. Xylazine by itself has not been designated as illegal, but it apparently has an effect on the high when mixed with methamphetamine, fentanyl or heroin.

It also has another effect. It causes flesh to rot and people who ingest the drug through smoking or other means get great, gaping sores that can result in limbs being amputated, or death.

The Los Angeles Sheriffs Dept. monitors the various ingredients of street drugs that they confiscate and are finding an increase of Xylazine mixed in with the other various pills and powders.

The L.A. Health Dept. wants to warn drug users of the dangers of Xylazine and Chelsea Shover, an epidemiologist and health services researcher at UCLA says “And it’s really important for people who use drugs to know that.” Meaning that it can kill you. She said that “For people who are using drugs but want to minimize the risk of ingesting xylazine, there are now xylazine test strips available online”.

Isn’t that swell? Hey, kids, log onto Amazon and get your xylazine test strips, don’t let your limbs rot off, be safe and only kill yourselves with heroin and fentanyl overdoses, okay, kids?

Or do like I would and don’t use that shit at all. Instead of warning all those losers about the dangers, encourage them to do it MORE. The sooner they all O.D. and die, the better off the world will be. Darwin out, druggies, and good riddance.



That’s exactly what it is and our Cabal Government makes no bones about it, they want to take white people from a 70% majority to a 30% minority in this country and they’re succeeding quite handily.

Right now, at our border with Mexico, there’s a veritable HORDE of 700,000 to 1,000,000 people waiting to surge into our country like a Wave Of Brown. These people are coming here from all over the world, but mostly from Central American nations. They’re unvetted, they come from China and the Middle East, they can be terrorists and spies and they do have a variety of diseases and parasites we don’t have here but soon will.

Already, in all the border towns and cities, there are burgeoning homeless encampments filling up the streets, sidewalks, alleys, parks, anywhere they can pitch tents, and these townspeople are in a panic looking at the next wave of invaders about to be let loose on them.

There is no place to put them in these towns. There’s no work for them, so they have no jobs but demand to be fed and the foolish people feed them. There’s no medical care for them because the system is already overwhelmed. This is a planned disaster.

New York City officials are calling for them all to be moved there and fill up Central Park with tents. They will be camped at the park lake, they’ll pee in it, throw their trash and garbage in it, and destroy the park forever, the park that is surrounded by the highest priced real estate in America. What do you think will happen, and very soon, to the value of those homes and businesses?

The purpose of the Cabal in throwing our borders wide open to this onslaught of destruction is to increase the number of dark-skinned people while destroying the Middle Class by ruining neighborhoods and businesses across America.

Don’t think for one minute that this mass of people is the last one to swarm in. It’s the FIRST huge swarm of it’s kind and it will be followed by more. I fully expect the Cabal to invite in at least another 30 to 40 million more.

You over there in Europe, you white people. If you think it’s bad now with all the Arab Muslims and black Africans that are pushing you aside, and it is bad, get ready for worse.


Because I continue to live in spite of Covid pandemics, Woke idiocy and the existence of Islam, among many other mostly fallacious and baseless human debacles, I have developed cataracts.

I was informed of this upon visiting the local optometrist to get a prescription for eyeglasses. More specifically, for an eyeglass. My left eye is 20/20, it’s my right eye that’s gone nearsighted.

I knew something else was going wrong because at night when I go to bed, the room is dimly lighted and if I look at the ceiling I can see superimposed on that surface, a pair of black spots. A large one for my right eye, and a smaller one for my left eye, and I wondered what was causing that. Now I know, I’m seeing my cataracts.

I asked the optometrist if he was aware that you could see your own cataracts, he said “No”, so I told him the above. I think he thought I was full of crap, actually, and imagining things. But it’s true, they can be seen very clearly. I can see tendrils of black radiating out from the edges of these growing accumulations of undesired protein that are depositing themselves on the inner lenses of my eyes, when in dim light and looking at a white surface.

The reason for it is obvious if you think about it, the protein deposits block vision and so, brighter and brighter light is needed to see clearly as light has to pass through those protein accumulations we call cataracts. In dim light the blockages are much more apparent.

The optometrist kept stressing my age, when I asked him at what point I should consider cataract surgery, and it was clear that he didn’t think I would live long enough to need it. Since I have no workable plan for not living, I’m not sure what he was driving at. Possibly he thinks that he’ll quit someday and so, figures that everyone else will too, but that’s merely an opinion. Personally I expect to just keep right on living. I mean, why not?


AI could replace 80% of jobs ‘in next few years’: expert”.

Okay, let’s take that possibility and run with it, and see what happens. First, people like Elon Musk and those running Google are spending huge sums, fortunes, on developing Artificial Intelligence to become capable of thinking and performing better than humans. The purpose is to replace human workers with machines operated by robot minds, AI minds, to work faster and more efficiently.

If you have a factory that makes cars, with 1000 workers you pay an average of $50,000 a year to, and replace them all with robotic machines, then once the machines are paid for, you’re saving $50 million a year minus the cost of electricity and machine maintenance.

The future is happening and the day will come when several billion human workers are replaced by AI robots. What will happen to those people? As fast as they try to find ways to make a living that don’t involve robots, robots will be created to replace them anyway. The only way for most of these people to survive is to become criminals, sex workers or have special creative skills.

I’m reminded of the Blade Runner movie, where there was a thriving underground of people engaged in criminal activity, because all the high paying jobs had been taken by “Replicants”, which were actually robots constructed of human parts and grown together in factories.

Corporations are motivated by Profit. If people are unemployed they can’t buy anything and if the population is drastically reduced, it’s the same result, profit is reduced if there’s less people to sell to. So how will the global economy be sustained?

My guess is that it will be easy if there’s a global currency. It will simply be a Welfare State. where the unemployed receive enough credits to survive and are able to buy their basic needs, because the money is all owned by the government and they can create all they want. It will all be digital so all you have to do to create a billion dollars is type the numbers into the database. The real problem will be to supply enough food for all those people, so logically the population will have to be stabilized at a level that’s easily fed and controlled.

This leads to the purpose of most of humanity becoming that of merely consumers, but that’s pretty close to where we are right now. Artificial Intelligence can free humanity from it’s labors but the end result will be to be dominated by our creation and possibly replaced by it entirely.

Other races on other planets must have faced this same predicament that Humanity is about to face but knowing their solution to it is unlikely to benefit us, since we always seem to take the roads to hell instead to progress. We spend more effort devising ways to kill each other than we have ever spent trying to become friends and allies. We fight over everything. In fact, maybe being ruled by our creation could prove to be our only salvation.


In 1976 I sold my auto body and paint shop and moved to 23 acres of remote land in Northern California, and built a house. The land straddled a creek that had cut deeply into the earth over thousands of years, and created flat areas as it wandered back and forth on it’s journey down. On one of these flat areas I built my house.

The house is gone now, the land above it was never very stable and there was a lot of rain in wintertime, and the earth steadily moved downward over the years until it pushed the house down into the creek below. It served me well in the many years I lived there, though, and that little valley gave me some amazing memories.

The creek would go wild and deep in winter with all the rain water rushing down the valley into it, but in summer it was clear and calm and even had little fish swimming in a deep pool that I used to swim in as well, on hot days.

Once, and only once, in the evening as the sun had set just below the horizon and the day was darkening, I saw a tiny flash of light. Looking closely, it was a tiny beetle whose back end was glowing brightly. Now, this is California and we don’t have fireflies here. Those are an Eastern United States insect. But we do have glowworms, which are a sort of firefly. In all my life before and since, I have never seen another one.

But there were jewel bugs. These critters infest trees and kill them, but they’re beautiful to look at, with their very bright, iridescent bodies and wings. They look like something a princess might wear.

And then there were the fuckbugs. That’s what we all called them and the first time you saw them, you knew why. They’re always paired, butt to butt, coupled in an orgy of mating, hundreds and hundreds of them all over the place because when they appear, they appear in droves.

Once, walking up my drive, I stopped because there was a large animal sitting in the middle of it, staring into space. It was a lynx, a big one, there perched on it’s haunches and apparently lost in reverie as it was obviously completely unaware of my approach, and I was within 20 feet of it. After a good wait, I whistled to it, and it turned it’s head, looked at me, and then just walked off seemingly totally unconcerned.

I wasn’t at all alone on that land, there was a large variety of creatures sharing it with me, deer, squirrels, porcupines, bobcats, skunks and at least one lynx. Mountain lions and bears, though I never had any encounters with them.

Native Americans owned that land before I did, but their tribes were wiped out long ago when the White Man came and took over. They left a lot of things behind, though, as I accumulated a large collection of their stone tools, arrow and spear heads.

Now we have Google Satellite images and you can look down from on high and see how that whole area has become more populated. A heavy steel gate was put up at the top of the valley while I was still living there, to keep out the non-owners and now the entire character of the place has changed. Most of the animals have moved away to more remote places, safer from humans. It was pristine when I was there, though, and a grand adventure at being a modern pioneer.


Just go to Cleveland, Texas where a drunken Honduran ILLEGAL ALIEN just murdered 5 other Hondurans in a house WITH TEN OF THEM living in it.

No, I don’t have anything to prove they’re illegal aliens, I’m assuming that because there’s ten of them jammed into a little house in a little town in Texas and they’re from Honduras according to the story, and the drunk murderer with a rifle lived next door to them and has a Hispanic name.

He liked to get drunk late at night and go outside and shoot his rifle. He went to the house next door and killed five of the people in there because someone in that house wanted him to stop shooting so they could get to sleep. Now they’re dead and he’s on the run, most likely heading back to Honduras.

The Yahoo article shows a picture of police bringing out the bodies. The front yard of this house is filled with trashy-looking junk.

These people are not good people. They’re not nation builders, contributors to society, or valuable new citizens. They’re bush people, from slums and ghettos, of low intelligence who were eagerly encouraged by their own government to get out of Honduras and come here and infect our country instead of making Honduras a worse place to live.

The political whine is that they’re being let in to destroy our country, and maybe they are, but I think the real reason is to drive down wages and further enrich those who hire cheap labor like this. The Republican complaint that they all vote Democrat may be true too, but since our votes are worthless now, that hardly matters anymore.

When you have a huge labor force that is unskilled, unintelligent and violent, you have the makings of disaster. I think the Cabal believes that they can control these people, and I think they’re wrong, unless they have plans for mass exterminations when everything goes horribly wrong and these “immigrants” rise up as an ethnic group and threaten THEM.

What all this really is, is a social experiment from Hell. Right now, if all they’re doing is just murdering each other, no one gives a shit. But these people tend to form gangs, and they will. Then watch what happens.