It might be a good idea to sit back and take a good look at who’s fighting who, and why.

Today, right now, the world’s aggressive combatants are China, Russia, Iran, the so-called “Palestinains” and Lebanon, in descending order of importance. I don’t mention North Korea because they don’t attack anyone, they just keep building missiles and screaming at people like some retarded Liberal teen-aged bitch.

China isn’t attacking anyone either, but China is a real threat and a real bully and the only way to deal with the CCP short of war is to be stronger than they are militarily.

Russia is attacking. So is Iran through their Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists, and so are the idiots who call themselves Palestinians.

Least first, Iran wants a big war, or at least a lot of dead bodies, because of their form of Islam which says they won’t become Masters Of The Universe until their Missing Mahdi is found. He fell down a well centuries ago and will return if enough people die fast enough. For any reason, just die, and lots of them. Yes, they believe this shit and aim it at the Jews because they hate Jews and they’re right next door. Drop a nuke or two on Israel, BINGO, the Missing Mahdi is found and Iran rules the Universe.

Iran’s insane leaders also hate the USA, we’re the Great Satan, probably because we have a lot of Jews here as any other reason. So Iran is a Useful Idiot to the CCP and Russia, who manipulate the country shamelessly to harass Israel and the USA. Iran does have a strong military and can’t just be ignored.

Then we have the “Palestinians” and Hezbollah in Lebanon, an enemy on each side of Isreal, which also borders on Egypt and Syria. Israel has plenty of nukes, while none of the nations bordering them do, which makes them much less of a threat to Israel. This means that Israel has the position of a Deterrent to war in the Middle East and is why Saudi Arabia finally made peace with them after Iran started to attack Saudi Arabia with drone bombs and missiles. Now, if the Saudis are attacked by Iran, Israel will back them up.

This has had a major effect on the attitude of the rest of the Arab Muslim nations toward Israel, who now are at least not threatening them anymore. All this matters because Israel is the glue that holds the Middle East together peacefully. Without them, the area would erupt on war. One thing Muslims love to do is kill each other when there’s nobody else around handy to kill.

A Middle East at war would disrupt the world’s oil supply and bring everything else to a complete halt. That’s why we have a treaty with the Saudis since the 1930s to protect them in exchange for assured oil supplies. When Trump made us oil-independent, he also made us into a bigger target than we were before because we could shut down the Saudis and everyone else and put everyone else out of business economically and militarily. He wrecked the status quo.

This may be at least partly why the Biden Gang has shut our oil production back down. To make us look less threatening.

There’s a LOT behind the theft of Trump’s election that will never be told, but part of it is that he was actually bringing us a lot closer to nuclear war. There is a balance of power in the world that’s constantly under adjustment, and Trump threw it clear out of balance. What was good for us was bad for everyone else.

China: The manufacture of advanced electronics devices is the mainstay of the Chinese economy and it depends on the chips made in Taiwan. The Chinese just don’t have the technology to do what Taiwan can do. So if they actually invade Taiwan, it will be a battle royal and the ability to make those highly advanced chips may be destroyed in the process. THIS is why China still keeps threatening but never acts.

They want Taiwan for the money and tech dominance. If they controlled Taiwan their ability to dictate terms to the rest of us would be greatly enhanced because we need what Taiwan makes. So expect the threats and saber rattling to continue unabated simply to keep up the pressure until they can force Taiwan into an agreement that gives China some control or at least access to the technology. However, that tech is closely guarded because once China has it they no longer will need Taiwan and will then definitely invade.

This is why we in the USA are developing this same technical chip making ability. This would stymie China, make them more dependent on us, and take the pressure off Taiwan, thus averting what would otherwise become a major conflict.

I skipped past Russia because I think they’re going to be non-players soon. Putin can’t last much longer and once he’ s gone, Russia will either back off of Ukraine or the two will reach a peace agreement, and Russia may finally stop trying to bully all the little countries around them and start making some friends instead. In fact they may be forced to, just like they were when their Union collapsed economically. Hungry people are always more willing to negotiate.

When you read the news it looks like the whole world is about to be plunged into nuclear war. But it’s looked that way ever since 1945 when Japan got nuked to end the war and it hasn’t happened yet. The different parties fighting each other aren’t united in purpose, they’re all fighting over local grudges and hates, as you can see.

There are currently only two big players in the World Domination Game, and they are China on one side and all the Globalist nations aligned together, on the other.

My money is on the Globalist Alliance, and the reason why is because they took full advantage of the Chinese Pandemic to merge into one big Socialist group that was able to force billions of people to lock down and take poison shots to thin their ranks.

Those shots the Chinese are forcing on their people are not what Pfizer and Moderna created for us, they aren’t killing the Chinese. In fact they’re probably just water. All they’re for is to keep forcing the people out of their democratic notions and back into slavish submission. Same with the Draconian lockdowns. Submission.

You may have noticed that international cooperation with China is diminishing. China’s model of the future is similar to the Globalists, but not the same because China wants total Chinese domination while the Globalists want a melding of the global population, what’s allowed to continue living, anyway, and aren’t interested in becoming Chinese.

This is where the real action is. All those little side wars, and include Ukraine, are only distractions from the Main Event, which is China vs Globalists. Stay tuned.


“Last March, Germany announced that it would acquire thirty-five Lockheed F-35 Lightning II fighter jets to replace its older Tornado fighter bombers.”

That was last march, before it became obvious that Russia was totally mired down in what may be an endless, treasury-draining war in Ukraine that looks very much now like it may result in the end of Putin’s reign.

Now Germany says ‘Oh yes, we still want those aircraft BUT it may be 3 more years before we buy them’ and I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t so much an economical move as it is, or could be, a response to what they think is going to happen in Russia.

After all, who else but the Russians would they need stealth jets for? They’re part of NATO now, they’re not going to be waging war against Western Europe anymore, or Japan, or anyone else except perhaps China.

Let’s remember that virtually all the governments that mattered followed China’s lead in locking down their people and wrecking their economies in the process, this was a mutual global effort to crush global prosperity and the holdouts are their enemy.

Russia is a hold out. The USA was the other one and stealing the 2020 election took care of that. What’s left are Russia, India and Brazil. Yes, there’s others but their economies and militaries are so small that they don’t matter. They’ll all be absorbed when the time comes to do so and right now the main focus is on Russia.

So who knows, I may be wrong here, but it looks to me like the Germans know something about the future of Russia that they’re not talking about.


Just now read that the Brazilian military killed a bunch of top drug lords today. This is taken as a sign that they’re about to take over the government. I hope they do, and beat that asshole Lula to death while they’re doing it.

I know I repeat myself sometimes in these posts, but it’s necessary to ensure clarity and prevent misunderstanding. I do agree with the Globalists about the need to reduce our population because that will end the destruction of wildlife habitat, the extinctions of animals because of it, the trashing of the planet and the exhaustion of Earth’s natural resources.

I don’t agree with their methods, and letting Brazil be taken over by a totally corrupt piece of shit who’s backed by drug lords just isn’t the way. Brazil could stand some serious depopulation, and it should start with the drug cartels and the horrible slums.

Something else I’ve said often is that human life is not sacred. More abortions, lots more, everywhere, would be a damn good thing. A disease that causes male sterility would help. Not everyone would get it, not all would become sterile, but it would result in a lot less pregnancies.

It’s not necessary to turn nations into corrupt hellholes of misery to get this done, and if Brazil’s military does put an end to this farce of an election I’ll raise my glass to it and cheer.


Literally, my eye. I called the local optometrist this morning to make an appointment for an eye exam because my right eye is becoming more nearsighted.

The receptionist who answered the phone told me that I would have to wear a mask. For a lousy eye exam they want me to wear a fucking mask!!! I told her NO, I won’t wear a mask, and told her a few other things as well.

So, no eye exam. There’s always another way. I know one of our local thrift stores has a box full of old eye glasses so I’ll just go there and see if one of them works for my right eye.

This pandemic bullshit has to end but it never will as long as we keep caving in to being bullied into wearing masks and anything else they decide we need to do to be good conforming sheep. FUCK ‘EM. There’s always a workaround.


Watched a movie tonight about a German priest in World War 2 who ended up getting hung for protecting a few Jews and refusing to take an oath of loyalty to Hitler. He did a lot of writing during his life before this and one thing he wrote that was repeated in the movie was “True Christianity is sharing the pain of others”.

That’s the single most accurate summation of what Christianity is supposed to be about that I have ever heard.

Not that I have any love of it or any religion, because I don’t. The reality is that Christians are smug, self-satisfied sons of bitches who all look out for themselves first and are the first to point fingers of guilt at everyone else. Christians are hypocrites. But the teachings of Christianity as put forth by Jesus are of self-sacrifice, humility, generosity and not throwing the first stone. That’s the teachings, which are not necessarily the reality that you hear in church sermons or see in Christian behavior.

True Christianity is sharing the pain of others. Helping your brother carry his burden if you can, being a good neighbor, sharing and so forth. All that stuff that we might do for a family member if they haven’t pissed us off too much but would almost never do for a stranger because the fucker might turn out to be a psycho killer and murder us for being nice to him.

That line in the movie hit a note with me and made me think of my first cousin, who lives across the country in Michigan. He’s the son of my mother’s sister, first cousins are damn near half-brothers. We lived in the same town, not far apart. He had a sheltered life in a well off family, I had a very rough upbringing in a very dysfunctional family. So I found his email address a few weeks ago and wrote to him and he told me that he’s a devout Christian and it’s too bad I’m not, so we’ll have to wait to renew our friendship in Heaven.

He said he and his wife, who I never met, will always hold me with love in their hearts, after saying that we can’t be friends again because I’m not a Christian.

That’s too bad. I was hoping that he wasn’t some fanatical religious asshole but that’s what happens when people get old and death gets closer, it scares the shit out of them and they cling to the belief that they won’t really die when they die, that they’ll wake up in a paradise in the sky.

Personally it amazes me that otherwise intelligent people actually believe that fairy tale crap when it’s so obviously impossible and childish, but they do and won’t be happy until you say that you do, too.

Religion and politics are both nothing but opinions and lies that make life worse for all of us.


New Zealand is in the news a lot lately for their government efforts to force everyone into a state of abject submission.

Hollywood is producing “war on whites” movies.

Elon Musk releases files on Joe and Hunter Biden’s crimes and I wonder if he has enough armed guards.

Pure Blood is gaining traction now that people are fearing the Vaxx more than they fear Covid, with those getting major operations wanting blood from unvaxxed donors.

In fact, this is the latest uproar in New Zealand, the gov’t wanting to take a couple’s baby away from them because the child need a heart operation and the parents want unvaxxed donors, and the fascist rulers are angry that the vaxx is being dissed. They know it kills people. That’s why they push it.

I’m telling you, Pure Blood is going to become extremely valuable soon, and if you’re not Vaxxed, you’d better keep that to yourself. Finding bodies drained of blood is going to become the next big crime wave.

The Germans have started up their coal-fired power plants again. I guess they decided that having everyone freeze to death wasn’t worth maintaining their Climate Change farce.

Schools all over the USA are teaching kids that they can change their sex, now. Some of these perverted maniacs are even trying to make it a crime to “mis-gender” anyone, as if we’re all supposed to know the screwball gender names a billion people choose for themselves.

The next thing you know, some loon will start deep-frying Twinkies. Oh, wait….


It’s reality, not racist, to discuss races in honest terms. Humans evolve the same as every other creature but discussing our differences is a social taboo. You can’t get into the subject without be accused of racism.

Which is exactly why I do it. Challenging bullshit should be normalized, we should all do it, all the time. It’s the same reason I speak out about the Covid lie, politics, religion, global warming and anywhere else that I find a load of bullshit.

“Aborigine” means those inhabitants of an area who are ancient, possibly the first there. Aboriginal people are always of lower intelligence than non-aboriginal people. Even Native Americans have an average IQ of only 86 and it’s likely that’s an increase from pre-discovery since many of them are now part white.

Native Americans never invented anything, not even the wheel. They pulled loads packed onto a pair of long poles with woven net across it, called a travois (French word) that would be hitched to a horse or pulled by one of them. They were good at simple tasks that were learned through constant repetition.

Native (aboriginal) Africans are of lower IQ even than Native Americans, a continental average of 72. They also did not invent anything.

Aboriginal Australians have an average IQ of 60, lowest average of all for any aboriginal people. They also never invented anything unless you count the boomerang and the didgeridoo, which is a stick hollowed out by ant that you can make noises with.

The peoples who stayed in one place for thousands of years learned how to thrive in their environment as it was. After making whatever changes were needed when they first arrived to survive and then prosper, no further changes were needed and the people settled into a constant, unchanging routine because the environment was unchanging and constant.

In North America, it was far more seasonal than in Africa or Australia, producing more survival challenges and resulting in smarter natives.

In Europe, where the Ice Ages had a profound effect, and environmental changes were constant, the people had to constantly adapt to new situations. This resulted in their continuing intellectual evolution.

In Asia, there was constant war, which forced the people to get smarter or be wiped out.

It isn’t race that causes a people to have low or high intelligence, it’s environment. However, it’s also the environment that caused humans to become separated into races.

Until the last 300 years or so of human existence, we’ve been evolving just as all the other animals on the planet have, in accordance with the pressures of the environment. Now all that has changed direction. Our environmental evolution has stopped because we now create our own environments, and human evolution is moving in a new direction.

It’s imperative that as a species, we become more intelligent. The aborigines among us need to die out. If they all get mixed and blended in the process could take another 2000 years and at our rate of technological progress, humanity really doesn’t have that much time to spare. It would be better if they could be isolated from the rest of us but it’s too late for that, and technological advances require access to the minerals in their areas.

This brings us back yet again to the arguments of the Globalists. When a variety of nations and races control the various minerals needed for human technological advancement, that advancement gets bogged down in corruption and red tape.

If all nations were under one government it would probably be the Dictatorship From Hell, knowing how we humans are. Yet that’s actually preferable to the mess we have now of international squabbles over sovereign borders and the wars that keep arising. We’ve become too well armed now to keep fighting wars that can only end in global disaster.

We are literally on the knife’s edge now of humanity’s future existence. Either we come together and form a world government or we wipe ourselves out.


In 1947 a flying disc crashed in New Mexico. The Air Force swarmed the crash site with men to pick up the wreckage which was hauled away in large trucks. Many of those picking up the debris had metal detectors, everyone was sworn to secrecy and heavily threatened. The Air Force colonel in charge announced to the newspapers that a flying disc had crashed.

The next day the announcement was changed. The disc became a “weather balloon”. Weather balloons just pop and float back down. They don’t crash and leave a long trail of debris and cut a long furrow through the earth in doing so. They’re just big thin plastic film bags full of helium with a few pounds of instruments dangling underneath.

There’s been other reports of UFO crashes, this was just the first to get a lot of attention. You can argue that we’re not being regularly visited by alien races, just don’t argue it with me because you’ll get nowhere. It’s a fact that they’re here and have been for thousands of years.

That’s not the point of this, though. That’s just me saying, if you still can’t accept it, go read something else. The point is that our technology has advanced massively, incredibly, since that disc crash got everyone’s attention. It’s been nearly 60 years since we put men on the Moon and got them back, and did it repeatedly and we’ve come a long, long ways since then.

Today we can almost make transistors the size of molecules. Almost. We will, soon. We’re developing a quantum computer and quantum communication. What that is, is instant information transfer between any two points in the Universe. Zero time lag. I learned lately that we can now grow microscopic computers in liquid. They’re non-organic but grow like something living.

We can do all sorts of things now. Look at smart phones, the technology inside those things is truly beyond incredible.

So why don’t we have the same propulsion systems now that the discs have? And the obvious answer is that we do, we can understand and duplicate the transistor technology, and we can reverse engineer anything now. We have the technology of our visitors. So why aren’t we flying around in these things too?

One reason is that secrecy in our government has become totally endemic, like a permanent disease. It’s likely that several other nations, namely China and Russia, possibly also France and the UK, have the technology, but would they dare to visibly show that they do?

Whoever has it is going to be working as hard as they can to be first to establish dominance in its application. To be secretly building bases on the moon, on Mars, whatever they can do to end the space race before it starts.

The U.S. government may not have antigravity yet but I think we do, I think we figured it out over 50 years ago. If we can create self-assembling computers of nano size, then we’ve solved their technology.


Brazil is the big one. Brazil is the one nation of all of them in South America that really, truly matters. If Brazil falls to Communism, the rest of South America will follow. Much of it has already, to Communism or just plain dictatorship.

Brazil is genuinely democratic, but a large part of the people favor Socialism because of widespread poverty. They want the government to support them and of course the Socialists always offer far more help than they ever deliver. This makes the country vulnerable to them. Worse, the judiciary system has become corrupt there, as it has here, and the courts are where the strength of nations really resides. That is, unless they have an independent military.

“Retired, but well-respected Brazilian General Mourao again entered the public fray yesterday over Brazil’s stolen election, posting a reference to the failed 1935 communist coup in-country.” This is being taken as a strong sign that the Brazilian military will intervene to stop the Communist takeover of the country.

Military takeovers of governments are always risky because they often turn into military dictatorships that degrade into one general establishing himself as a Supreme Leader. Then you end up with something that looks like North Korea or Venezuela.

The alternative is for Brazil to become the Communist foundation of an entirely Communist South and Central America, and if this can be avoided, then the chance has to be taken to preserve Brazil’s democratic way of life.

Of all the countries I’ve visited, my best, fondest memories are of Brazil. Democracy suits them well, Communism does not. I wish them great success in staying free.


The World Health Organization (WHO) is renaming Monkeypox to Mpox because people have been worried about the name being racist or having racial connotations.

Excuse me while I laugh my ass off. Looks like the monkeys among us know who they are, don’t they? Even stupid people know when something is true.

Most white people have some African ancestry. The Romans bred with almost everyone and anyone, it’s why Italians are dark skinned (olive complexion, they call it) and why we have “black Irish”, from the Roman occupation of the British Isles. My own ancestry is mostly British and Irish. But that’s not the point, not how dark we are but how Africans act so much like monkeys and they know it.

It’s not skin color nearly so much as it is racial behavior. African men seem to have sex with each other much more than people of other races and this is a disease that’s spread almost entirely by homosexual acts, and you have to ask, exactly how did they get it from monkeys?