When Russia finally gave up and bailed out of Afghanistan, admitting defeat, they cheered themselves up by pointing at our own defeat in Vietnam. Then we went into Afghanistan and ended up doing a truly disastrous withdrawal thanks to the incompetent assholes who took over the country from Donald Trump’s administration and the Russians laughed again.

They’re not laughing now. Now they’re suffering a second Afghanistan disaster in Ukraine and they deserve it. Neither of our nations has any business conducting foreign wars in nations where we weren’t invited and weren’t wanted.

When the Russians were in Afghanistan we gave tons of munitions to the native people to fight Russia with, which went a long way in defeating them. Then those same weapons were turned against us in terrorist attacks when we went into that country to fight the Taliban.

We especially didn’t belong there because it wasn’t the Taliban that caused the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, it was the Saudis. Saudi Arabia was behind it, it was Saudis who were in those aircraft. But the rich fuckers in our government, namely the Bush oil family, were all ass-kissy with the Saudis so they just dismissed the attack as being organized by a radical Islamic group, which in fact it was, and used the attack as an excuse to make war in Iraq and Afghanistan, in hopes of plundering the natural resources of those backward nations.

Russia, aka Vlad Putin, wants to plunder Ukraine for their food production and use them in his effort to rebuild the Soviet Union. So once again, we are arming those who are being invaded by Russia.

Russia armed the Vietnamese against us, this stuff just keeps going back and forth, and while lots of people die, the arms makers get rich and economies flourish, and if any actual successes come out of all the blood and death, so much the better. If they don’t, oh well, lots of money was made.

Russia’s losing this one. They won’t get to add Ukraine to their territory, instead they’ll probably end up losing Crimea back to Ukraine and in the process they’ve revealed how clumsy and inept their military leaders are, and how inadequate their armament is. Their formidable looking tanks turned out to be junk compared to the defenses against them, and their soldiers are untrained and poorly equipped.

All they really have left that can’t be overpowered by our and NATO’s arms is their nuclear weaponry, and if they used that against any of us, they would be bombed into eternity and they know it.

This means that Russia’s bullying is at an end. This is what happens when one person becomes the sole power of any nation. All it takes is one mistake and everything falls apart. I expect to see the same thing happen in China now that Xi has consolidated his power. Dictators just never work out well in the long run and Vlad Putin is finding out now how true that is.


WIKIPEDIA: “BRICS is an acronym for five leading emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.”

“Russia Announces 12 New Countries Want to Join BRICS Economic Alliance as US-Backed Global Order Crumbles”, says the headline at “Interest in this global association is very, very high and continues to grow. It’s not just Algeria, Argentina, and Iran. In fact, there are more than a dozen such countries,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday at a press conference in Moscow.

Let’s look at this supposedly dire threat to the economy of the West. The nations involved all suck economically except China. Russia has never been a big economy, all they’ve ever been is a big threat, spending every dime they could squeeze from their enslaved population to build the largest arsenal of A-Bombs on the planet. The rest of their military is crap and there’s not even much crap.

Did you notice that they don’t want to name these “12 New Countries”? What a shock, huh? Who do they have now? India, 1.5 billion people, most of whom are starving. Take a good look at those people, they’re all really skinny. Horrible economy in India. South Africa, much poorer now that the blacks took over, Argentina, very poor, Algeria, very poor. There’s 195 nations on Earth and you can bet your ass that the “12 New Countries” are the poorest of them all.

Brazil would have had a great chance at creating a booming economy until Lula the Communist took over the Presidency again. But not now. He fucked it into the dirt last time he ran the country and of course he’s going to do it again.

So this group of struggling nations in a collapsing global economy is going to cause the “U.S. backed global order” to “crumble.” Yeah, no, not today.

One of the Big Woops in the article quoted above is this: “BRICS countries are posting impressive economic results as a result of their alliance. According to current projections, trade volume between India and Russia is expected to (be) $30 billion in the near future.”

“Expected to be $30 billion in the near future”, whenever the Near Future is. $30 billion and more is what most billionaires have now. It’s nothing to a national economy, when large economies deal in $trillions yearly. A trillion dollars is a THOUSAND BILLION. $30 billion is what we spend developing a new helicopter or fighter plane, or give to Ukraine 3 times a week.

When I read this story how these mostly poor nations are going to collapse the economy of the West I laughed so hard I nearly shit a BRIC.


This article in the Sun, a British tabloid, is warning all the sheeple that if you catch Covid a second time, your risk of DEATH is twice what the first time was. The article doesn’t directly say you should go get more “boosters”, instead it says “Thanks to jabs or prior infection, most people do have some protection against the virus – but that doesn’t mean you’re immune from getting infected again. Writing in the journal, Nature Medicine, the scientists said that even if you’ve had Covid twice already, it’s better to avoid a third infection.”

Which of course means that Hey, maybe you should go get another Clot Shot.

What the article doesn’t say is that all the people getting Covid a second and third and fourth time, ALL of them, are those who’ve had the Clot Shots because the Clot Shots destroy the immune system and leave you wide open to more and more infections until you die from more and more infections. The Clot Shots give you Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Otherwise known as AIDS. Remember AIDS, that killed off so many homosexuals? Now you too can have AIDS and you don’t even have to be queer. Isn’t that wonderful? Just keep getting those “boosters” and it’s guaranteed that your immune system will be boosted clear to hell and gone.

The people who refused to take these so-called “vaccines” are the ones who – mostly – will still be around when the Globalists are finished with rubbing out 7.5 billion of us. Of course, there will be other diseases, famines, wars and so forth to get us to that point but at least 70% of humanity has stupidly rushed out to be injected with their deaths, already, so there won’t be that many left to get rid of. The last 20% may end up being easy to dispose of by that time.


As I point out in the immediately previous post, they’re not out to destroy America, just our individual prosperity and freedoms. The USA is the biggest block to China’s takeover of the world. The Globalists don’t want to see China rule the planet, they have a whole different vision of how the Earth should be run that doesn’t include everyone dying except the Chinese.

The USA will maintain it’s military strength. The retired generals and admirals who are screeching that we’re falling behind in this area and that area may be right, we might be, but we’re forging ahead in others and those retired military leaders aren’t privy to new advances.

By impoverishing the people of America, the Globalists have dealt a massive economic blow to China because their main source of income was us, the people. Now we’re no longer buying all that defective crap because we can’t afford it. Many Americans are working two jobs now to keep the bills paid and food on the table, and they’re not interested in the latest tech gadget. So the Chinese are forced to draw more from their own population, which only makes them poorer.

With less income, the Chinese can build less war machines, buy less foreign assets, and so on. They become less powerful. Meanwhile we’re more aligned with the nations of Europe and South America than we’ve been in a long time, because most of them have become Globalist too.

What this is all coming to is a showdown between the East and the West for global domination and the USA has a major part in this.

Next post will be about the Clot Shot and our military. Maybe tomorrow.


There’s a lot of online media and blogs now, pointing out that the destruction of our economy has to be deliberate, that stupidity can’t be the reason for everything that’s going on.

Well, of course it’s deliberate. It’s not just our economy that’s being deliberately changed, it’s our system of government, too, and the average quality of life for the citizens of this country.

The USA is still a great, and dominant, world power, but we’re not the nation with the beautiful, pristine, crime free cities anymore. We look more like we did around the end of the Great Depression, only with uncontrolled crime added. All our great cities that are “Democrat” run are Murder Inc. messes now, unsafe to even drive through.

Yet it’s strange, or should seem strange, that with all this wrecking of the once safe and peaceful society that we were, with all the crime, the inflation, the racial tensions and attacks, that our stock market is strong and the unemployment rate isn’t good but not very bad either. There’s about 6 million not working if the figures are accurate, but that’s the same number of illegal aliens who’ve poured into the country this year.

One way to get rid of national debt is to print a hell of a lot of money and pay it off with cheaper dollars or pesos or whatever. Of course, people stop lending us money as this happens, so instead of being able to borrow more to spend more, we’re just printing more and UP goes inflation.

I look to the great industrialists of our nation to see what’s really going on. When you have people like Elon Musk investing billions of dollars in new projects and certain of our industries being invested in by foreign nations, that doesn’t sound like a country that’s collapsing.

The destruction of our large cities is selective. It’s almost all the “Democrat” run cities. Cities like Chicago that no longer have foundries and plants making cars, like Detroit that no longer makes steel, like San Francisco that produces nothing except more homosexuals, like Los Angeles that lost it’s industries long ago. You don’t see the Left really attacking the cities run by the Right. They take swipes at the leaders and try to corrupt some of their laws but the big cities and their states of the Right are mostly left alone. Why? because these are the states and cities that have all the important industries in them. These are the strength of America and if they’re brought down, everything else will go with them including the government.

To summarize this so I can get on to having my supper, all the chaos, the crime, the inflation and the shortages and high prices are all part of the plan to cancel many of what we call our freedoms and exert more control over us. We call these people Communists but I really don’t think they are, it’s just that they seem like Communists. What they really are is Globalists, the goal isn’t to destroy America, it’s to destroy our freedoms, to take away our power to effect change in government, to challenge government, to do anything except what we’re told to do.


There’s nothing to analyze about the mid-term elections. The few on the Right who were able to get elected are in heavily Conservative states, such as Texas and Florida. Even then, I don’t trust any of them to not turn out to be RINOs.

There was never any doubt for me how all this was going to go and I said so right here in this blog. The Left still has all those Chinese voting machines in place and they have more people working for them now than they did 2 years ago in the last election, that they stole with ease. Why should anyone expect things to be different this time? Only an idiot would.

Which brings us to this: If you accept as a given that the only people who will be placed in the most important positions are those the “Democrat” Globalists want there, then who are the people running against them and why are they doing it?

Of course, the only answer to that is, useful idiots and hopeful wannabe’s, to keep up the facade. Anyone who runs for public office in the USA now knows that it’s fake and is only doing it to maintain the pretense of democracy, to keep the people from rising up.

And THAT brings us to Donald Trump, who said 2 days ago that he had “an important announcement to make” next Wednesday, Nov. 16. I bet I know why he’s waiting until the 16. Because by then he’ll know if our Congress has become majority Conservative, Right, again.

Well, it’s not. It’s more Left than ever, so his Big Announcement is going to be that he’s NOT going to run, that he’s backing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and everyone will think that’s what he was going to do, all along.

I could be wrong here, but I don’t think so. We’ll see in 7 more days.

One more thing. Why would anyone run for President knowing that the next president will be chosen and not honestly elected? Keeping up the facade has got to be a big pain in the ass for the Globalists so I expect them to increase term limits for the President, and maybe for members of Congress too. I won’t be surprised to see us with a President For Life, in the years ahead.


A “chad” is a little piece of paper that gets punched out by a voter on a ballot to show which candidate they’re voting for.

In the presidential election of 2000, in Florida, the vote was very close, so the ballots were hand counted to be really accurate. The system used was a punch system, the ballots had holes punched in them by the name of the person that was being voted for, and then they were fed into a machine that blew air through them to detect the holes.

The problem was that a lot of the chads didn’t get completely removed by the hole puncher, and were hanging on by a bit. So the expressions quickly grew of hanging, dangling and flopping chads. Comedians had a great time with that, making lots of jokes about them, with plenty of sexual references.

Today we have voting machines that are built in China that count our votes and they can be programmed to favor one candidate over another. We have gone from technology that made it difficult to count votes, to technology that makes fair elections impossible. The only right way to count votes is by hand.

This reminds me of NASA’s effort to make a ball point pen that would write in zero gravity, and they spent a huge amount of money on the problem, while the Russians solved it by using pencils.


Today is ELECTION DAY, also known as Bullshit Day, Liar’s Day, Cheat Day, Steal Day and so forth.

Today all the gullible sheeple believers will cast their votes, those who haven’t done so already with Mail-In voting, and now all the votes for the candidates who are patriotic will be ignored and thrown out and replaced with twice as many fake votes for some Communist piece of shit.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. When the entire media has gone over to the Far Left and entire states are run by Communist tyrants who control everything, how can anyone possibly expect otherwise? When at least 60 members of our Congress are now openly Communist and a lot more, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are working for them instead of the people who elected him to protect democratic values, and by that I’m referring to actual Democracy, why would anyone think there’s a chance in hell that true Conservative Republicans are going to take over again?

The only Republicans that end up getting elected will be RINOs like McConnell and Romney. But hey, run out and vote, use up your gasoline, waste your time, if behaving like a robot sheep makes you happy, by all means go for it.


Once again we approach the Christmas Buying Season, where fat old people who need jobs really bad, put on fake beards and hair and red suits with white cuffs and try to make trusting children believe that they’re magical people who live at the North Pole and give free stuff to them once a year.

This bizarre practice evolved out of the life and death of a Jew who was nailed to a cross by the Romans in what is now Israel, some 2000 years ago. Nailing to crosses was the alternative form of Roman execution to being simply tied to one, and while more painful, was considered kinder because you died faster. Just FYI.

The Jew was preaching peace and love, but the Romans thought he was instigating a slave rebellion. All Jews at that time were Roman slaves. To make matters worse for the Jew, the temple priests saw him as a threat and helped convince the Roman authorities to get rid of him, which they did.

But, not before he became famous for his teachings and all sorts of stories sprang up that he was a great healer and maybe a Divine Being and could perform miracles. Superstition was big in those days, people would believe most anything and then swear by it as fact.

So after he was killed, people kept on saying that they saw and spoke with him, saw him rise up into the sky and so forth, and this Jew, named Jesus son of Joseph, became a religion that kept growing until the Romans, never to miss out on a good thing, abandoned their old gods, adopted Jesus worship and turned their old pagan temples into Jesus churches.

From there, the Romans started adding new gods to the pile again, since they never were happy with just one. First they came up with The Trinity, called the father, the son, and the holy ghost, whatever that one is. Not satisfied with that, they started calling some of their priests “Saints”, and told the sheeple that they could pray to these “saints” and they would “intercede” with God for them.

The longer the Roman Church, now called the Catholic Church, was around, the more complications and rules they added to their dogma and the more restrictive and demanding they became, until finally groups of believers started splitting off and creating kinder and more lenient versions of this religion, which is where Protestants come from. Protest.

One of the so-called saints that was proclaimed was a 4th Century Greek bishop named Nicholas. He would give anonymous gifts to the poor on the supposed birthday of Jesus the Jew, each year, and after he died he was declared a saint by whoever was leader of the Catholics at that time.

He was forgotten until the 19th Century, when a famous poem was written describing his clothing and a sleigh filled with toys for kids and pulled by magic flying reindeer. That made Nicholas a star and he’s been one ever since. From 4th Century Greek bishop to 21st Century merchandising tool and most recognized symbol of the dead Jew except the crucifixion cross. A cartoon.

Here’s something to consider. The Romans took the peace and love teachings of a Jew that they tortured to death and transformed them into a global system of power, wealth and control. I don’t know about you, but for all the bad things said about Jews being greedy and money-hungry, it looks to me like the Italians have them beat by miles.


Voting is for those who refuse to accept reality. Voting is to keep the people thinking that they actually matter. Voting is to keep the masses compliant.

The reality is that voting anywhere in the world today is pointless. It’s like voting in Russia has always been. Which candidate do you want for our new President? And everyone knows which one they better damn well vote for or they’ll be sent to a work camp, but if everyone voted for the “wrong” candidate, the “right” candidate would win, anyway, because all that voting is just a farce to keep the sheeple thinking that they actually have a say in things.

4 days to go to our national midterm elections and I totally DO NOT give a shit. The “winners” will be those chosen by the Liars In Charge. So why even bother?