Meat grown in vats from a protein culture is actual meat that never came from a living animal, but from cells cultured from animals. All the producers of this are claiming that it’s perfectly safe, our Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it is, and all sorts of other governments are promoting it as a safe food.

There’s only one little problem with it.

Normal meat cells cannot be made to self-replicate in a culture medium. They just don’t. But there is a type of meat cell that will. Abnormal meat cells.

We call them “Cancer cells”. Cancer cells are meat cells that start dividing into more and more cells that turn into big clumps called “TUMORS”.

So GUESS WHAT KIND OF CELLS are being grown in the meat culture vats? YES, YOU’RE RIGHT! CANCER CELLS.

You can’t tell me that eating meat grown from cancer cells is good for me. Uh-uh. No.


Because now the TRANS TERRORISTS are here.

I keep saying, and I’m not alone, that this “Trans” bullshit is insanity. It’s officially insanity, it’s called Gender Dysphoria and is recognized among the head shrinkers, aka psychologists and psychiatrists of the world, as a MENTAL DISORDER.

Because these people are getting lots of hormone shots to make them grow more hair/stop growing more hair, grow breasts/stop growing breasts and generally try to force their bodies into becoming what they were never meant to be, these loons are going clear out of their minds and are running around killing people.

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) is pushing forward with its ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ protest in Wash. DC on April 1 in spite of this latest insane slaughter. The Virginia chapter of the group held a “dance party fundraiser” in Richmond “benefiting firearm/self-defence training for trans-Virginians” on March 7th, before the mass shooting by Audrey Hale had taken place. is set to begin outside the U.S. Supreme Court and will protest the various bills in numerous states limiting “gender-affirming” health care. Don’t be surprised if people start shooting. And do take note, this is happening on April Fools Day. Why is that so very appropriate?

So now we have Antifa, BLM and TRAN all running around with guns committing acts of mayhem. The Queers have guns and have joined in the battle against normalcy.

The “Trans Community” is now the FASTEST GROWING TERRORIST GROUP IN THE WORLD. The latest terrorist attack was by Audrey Hale, a 28 year old woman who was taking Testosterone injections to try to look more like a man. She entered a school and opened fire, killing 3 little 9 year old children and 3 adults.

This is the latest in a recent string of terrorist murders by these so-called “Trans” people, who should be getting treatment for their mental illnesses instead of encouraged to get worse and given injections and surgery options. But no, our government encourages the insanity and supports it, and isn’t alone in doing so, it’s all the rage over in Western Europe as well.

We know why. Every time some young person is convinced to become homosexual or undergo procedures that will effectively sterilize them, then one more person is withdrawn from the gene pool, one more person will never parent a child, and this helps reduce the human population. Reducing our numbers on this planet is a good thing because we’re wrecking the place, but creating berserk monsters in the process is a bad thing. How about you Globalists showing a little more class, huh?


At least 39 people were killed after a fire broke out at a migration center along the US-Mexico border, officials said Tuesday. Migrants fearing deportation put small mattresses at the door of the shelter and set them on fire “as a form of protest.

These IDIOTS blocked the door of their shelter building with the mattresses provided for them to sleep on, because of a rumor they might not be allowed into the United States, AND SET FIRE TO THEM in protest. Since the fire was where the exit was, then they couldn’t get out, and at least 39 of them burned to death or died of smoke inhalation and the rest of them in there were seriously harmed by the smoke.

These are the assholes, human trash, brainless cretins and absolutely SHIT people who are coming here and being allowed to just walk right in.


In an unprecedented move, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland have signed a defense pact that is likely to anger Moscow. The 4 Scandinavian countries have issued a Joint Declaration of Intent (DJI), which states their intent to combine their respective air forces into one unified air defense unit.”

This is a big deal. These nations are combining their separate national sovereignties into one, in the most meaningful area possible, their military identities. By joining all their air forces under one united command, they’ve enabled themselves to carry out much larger, more focused and concentrated attacks against any Russian aggression against any one of their nations.

This greatly increases their overall ability to counter any Russian attempt to invade any one of them and I have no doubt that this will soon be extended to a merging of their entire militaries.

Several of these nations are already NATO members with Finland just being approved for membership and Sweden’s application being held up only by Turkey, which insists that Sweden hand over a few people who have spoken badly of Dictator Erdogan, and which Sweden will not do. But that won’t matter if Sweden is attacked by Russia and their 3 NATO allies rush to defend them, because all NATO members are obliged to defend each other, and an attack on Sweden would then be an attack on the other three as well.

So yes, you bet, this “is likely to anger Moscow”. Anger is too mild a word, I bet they’re absolutely enraged at this further blocking of their efforts to recreate the Soviet Union.

Why this is an ESPECIALLY BIG DEAL is because this is going to encourage other small E. Europe nations to form similar alliances that could easily merge into just two or three separate, combined NATO-type alliances, and all of them with only one purpose, to protect each other against Russian aggression.

What always happens when nations join forces like this is that they then also form economic alliances which increases their power even more, because when they increase as an economic buying power they can get better deals, sell at higher prices and inflict sanctions and embargoes to enforce contracts and stop the bad practices of other nations. Russia has held too much of this power for too long and now everything is going to change entirely because Putin invaded Ukraine.

So many “pundits” are giving their conflicting views on this war, that it is all for profit, will last for many years because of this, and so on. This war did start because Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union, but it’s real purpose is to cause regime change in Russia, to put an end to Putin-style rule, and it will. Keep watching.

Watch what happens to Russia once Putin is kicked out and a new government takes over, a Liberal one. First, the Chinese are going to just swarm right in, followed by millions of Africans and that will permanently end any chance of another Soviet Union.


The Transvaal Histrionic Lab in deepest South Africa just announced a startling series of breakthroughs in trans-sexual changing. The first is a pill that grows balls on genetic women who wish they were men. Two of the pills are placed in an opening surgically cut just below the vagina. There, they absorb body fluids until they swell up several hundred times their original size, and look exactly like testicles.

For men who want to be seen as women but don’t want to undergo surgery, full body rubber suits are now available that zip up the back, complete with full breasts and realistic vaginas. The man’s penis is inserted into a tube that empties out the rubber vagina so he can appear to urinate like a woman.

I know I should have saved this information for posting on APRIL FIRST but it’s just too hot to hold it back.


No, I’m not just talking about Phizer and Moderna peddling their poisons, though it’s true they continue to increase their fortunes.

This is about wars, right now, because that’s also where the big money is and the Military-Industrial Complex (M.I.C.) wants more of that big money.

We didn’t win the war in North Korea against China because it was so far from home and there was no threat to us here. China wasn’t attacking us, they were making sure we couldn’t take over the Korean peninsula and have nuclear missiles virtually on their doorstep. We ended up settling for the lower half and no nukes on it because continuing to fund it and send our young men over there to die lost all it’s public momentum.

So we took over from the French in Vietnam and the M. I. C. was making a fortune once again, but like Korea it wasn’t being fought to win, it was being fought for profit, and just went on too long. They milked it to death, politicians wanted re-election and so had to come out against further funding and we walked away with nothing.

So then we went to Afghanistan. Same thing, rinse and repeat. Why did we leave $billions worth of equipment behind? So new contracts for the M.I.C. would have to be given, to replace all of it. More profit for them.

Now we’re in Ukraine but we’re not sending troops. Why not? There can only be one reason. It’s because the Koreans didn’t have nukes, the Vietnamese didn’t have nukes and the Afghans didn’t have nukes. Russia has nukes. Worse, the Russians are mentally unstable and they keep threatening to nuke us.

Of course, they know that if they did, we along with all our nuclear armed NATO allies would turn Russia into radioactive glass, but would they do it anyway? Are they crazy enough? That’s what’s stopping us so far from sending our troops and really offensive weaponry into Ukraine.

The longer this war can be maintained with only the Ukrainian people being slaughtered, the longer public opinion and support can be maintained here. Once our young boys start coming home in body bags with name tags, that support will drain away and the profiting will end.

It’s not that the USA can’t fight a war to win it anymore. It’s just that there’s no profit in doing so. One caveat, profit is not this war’s sole purpose, which is primarily regime change in Russia. When that happens the war will end.

Just like there’s no profit in curing people of diseases. All the money is in continuing to treat them. Once they’re cured, the money stops.


Humans are selfish. We are, okay? We almost NEVER do anything that seems unselfish without having a personal motive. Me included. For instance, in a shopping mall one day, there was a little boy standing all by himself and crying. I asked him why he was crying, was he lost? He said no, it was because he lost his $5. So I gave him $5 and he was happy, stopped crying and went off to buy the thing he was going to get before he lost his money.

I did that because I remembered losing a five dollar bill when I was about his age. It was like I was righting a wrong done to me as a child. I did it for me. His happiness became my happiness. I did it to feel good.

So why does a billionaire want to be president of the United States when he knows that no one in the government and none of the world’s leaders want him to be? Because he’s a total narcissist who wants to be The World’s Number One Guy, that’s why. Not because he wants to save the country from Globalism, not because he wants to “Drain the Swamp” like he promised he would do and then never did a thing about.

Do you recall that Trump’s main platform plank was that he was going to “drain the swamp”? Now can you recall even one little thing he did to actually even start trying to drain the swamp? Did he overhaul the leadership of the FBI, CIA, NSA, military leadership, the goons in the Pentagon, ANYTHING? What he did do is appoint a lot of Federal judges, but that was his job, they’re always retiring and needing replacement. All Presidents have to do it. He never fired a single one of them.

Now he’s back on Facebook, owned by that POS Zuckerberg, when he said he was never going back. He did, he said that. He was staying on Truth Social. Oops.

He gave us Fauci and lockdowns and kept on pushing the Clot Shot long after most of us knew it was a killer. Yet everyone excuses him for Fauci because “he was conned” or “that was all he had to work with” like Jack Nicholson’s The Joker surgeon. He was the PRESIDENT, our STABLE GENIUS and he couldn’t get ANYONE trustworthy enough to properly vet these people for him? Everyone was a counter-agent and spying on him and working against him? The Boss of “You’re Fired” suddenly couldn’t figure out how to find competent help? And now he wants to be President again and he’s going to drain the swamp and Save America? I call Big Bullshit. I think Trump became President because the Regime wasn’t expecting him to do so well in spite of their cheating apparatus, which they made sure was in much better repair the second time around.

We no longer have fair elections. Any appearance that we do is illusion. So let’s ask why this threat of criminal indictment from the New York DA? If Trump is allowed to run again, we will be told that his loss was due to a lack of public confidence in him over his criminal history. It doesn’t matter that he won’t be convicted, as long as this helps maintain the illusion. That’s all this is about, not putting him in jail but keeping up the illusion that we still have fair and honest elections.

So why the hell is he running for President again when he must know that the Cabal decides who gets the job, not the public? Is he just having fun pissing off the Cabal, who can destroy him at will? Is our “stable genius” that stupid? Or has he made a deal?

If he does end up as the Republican candidate for President, he will lose because there’s no Republican Party anymore, it’s all Uniparty now. If he wins instead, then he will be the new spokesperson for Globalism in America and this is a real possibility. All he wants is to be President and be adored by millions. That’s all, not much, right? Maybe if they give him that, he will be a big help in bringing us all under the Big Umbrella of Big Brother’s New Fascism. I would not put it past him, or them.

There are no Mother Teresas. We are all in it for ourselves.


Out of all of us, the lust for power is strongest in politicians. Because of this, I predict that Ron Di Santis will throw Donald Trump under the bus to become the GOP candidate for President in 2024 and he will use the scurrilous New York D.A.’s indictment of Trump as his springboard.

Don’t forget what the GOP mascot looks like now, it’s half elephant and half donkey, and which half is the ass end depends on which of the two blind men you are, the one holding the trunk who says elephants are like snakes, or the one holding the tail who says they’re like ropes.

Trust me, it’s all the same chimera we call the Uniparty.

The only difference between the last time Trump ran and this time, if they let him do it, will be that there will be much less effort, if that’s even possible, to conceal the fraud next time, and if he won there will not be a single person in government who will back him up or help him in any way.

The only way I can see Donald Trump ever becoming President again is if he’s caved in to the Globalists and has become their total lackey. Otherwise, what would they need him for? They already own the White House and they already have all the lackeys they can use and more besides.

Our next “President” will be an articulate point man for the Globalist Cabal. This is just a fact that has yet to happen.


The President of Nicaragua has just stripped 300 Nicaraguan citizens of their citizenship for being politically opposed to him and they’ve all been ejected from the country and forced into exile.

Chile and Argentina are two nations that have offered citizenship to these people, and others have gone to Spain. From what the news sources say, they all have lost everything they owned except what they could carry.

While this has been called a violation of International Law, that doesn’t mean much to these exiles as there’s nothing they can currently do to get justice. The USA regularly violates International Law as well, the illegal political imprisonment of all those people who went to Washington DC on Jan. 6, 2020, held without trial for years, is a glaring example of that.

So what’s to stop our corrupt government from doing what Nicaragua’s corrupt government is doing? Nothing. Have you seen any international outcry over the Jan. 6 farce? No, you haven’t. Not a peep. Taking away someone’s citizenship is only one small step further than locking them up in solitary confinement for years without trial as political prisoners, and that’s what’s going on here right now.

Don’t think it can’t happen here. It damn well could.