On this fine Wednesday morning I thought I’d just point out that the goal of the Globalists is a complete takeover by 2030. This doesn’t just mean establishing a global government that any still-existing separate nations must give homage to and cede authority to, it means that wars are over, our population has been reduced to a half-billion people worldwide, and everybody works for the Central Government.

Homosexuality, all the gender bullshit and trans-sexualism will no longer be force-fed in public schools because it won’t be necessary any longer to help knock down the census count. Likewise the Pfizer and Moderna poison jabs and the repeated pandemics and lockdowns, food shortages and starvation. All that will be behind us, or those of us still alive, anyway.

How all the different industries will be handled, which will survive and which will not, schooling, level of freedom, it’s all open for speculation right now. I’m sure the Globalists have it all figured out, anyway, and the rest of us will know before long if we live to see it.