Is that the right way to say it? Rapturous? Rolling in rapture? Rapture to the max?

It occurred to me that when the really big die-off starts, that all the Christian religious freaks are going to claim it’s The Rapture and that their Souls Are Ascending Unto Heaven Just Like Jesus To Be By His Side.

The Globalist are gonna love this and you bet they’ll agree and promote this idea to the max. All those people happily croaking because they think this is Prophecy and They’re Going To Meet God. CNN, MSNBC, all the Leftist media will suddenly become pro-Christian and start telling all the dupes that Yes, The Rapture Has Begun. Die happy, don’t make a fuss, don’t fight it, just DIE, this is God’s Will.

At this time it is good to remember that the Bible says that it is God who will draw all these good Christians up to the Great Pie In The Sky, and not Globalists who will send them there. Pretty sure Revelations makes no mention of Globalists. If you’re a believer in this stuff, you might want to give that a thought or two. Anyway, the world has to be immersed in war first before God waves his beckoning hand, so you might be dead by then anyway if it actually comes to that.

All that death may cause a disturbance in The Force but unless there’s a Yoda or an Obi Wan Kenobi to feel the tremors in the Universe, no one on Tralfamadore or elsewhere will notice. The Earth, if it were sentient, would be pretty happy about it, but this isn’t Pandora either, no Unobtainium here to connect the minds of the wildlife. What there will be is a horde of Globalists led by Klaus Schwab and trust me, they will be paying close attention to the body count.