Roy533 was slipping in his job performance and he knew it. It was his age, of course, at 84 it was becoming harder and harder to stay focused on the fine points of personal evaluations and he needed to at least stay on a par with the Global AI. That was steadily becoming more difficult itself though, as AI kept learning and becoming more intelligent and sensitive to the finer nuances of human behavior and their meanings.

In truth, his job was redundant and had been for at least the past year. Clearly, AI had advanced more than enough to make the decisions government required, and no longer needed any guidance from him or the other Roys. Roy533 knew that it wouldn’t be long before his Social Credit status would shift from Required Worker to Retired Worker and he would be given a Retirement Period of perhaps as much as a year before all life supporting systems were shut off for him and he would be issued an End Life pill along with all the other Roys that had been bred for this specific purpose.

But that’s Progress and Roy533 knew it, knew this was inevitable and accepted the fact. After all, all Roys were told when they started that this day would come and that it would be a great achievement for Humankind and a victory for all Roys. Which is why they all worked so hard to achieve it.

When the last Roy was gone, that day would herald the full transference of all human governance to Global AI, and Roy533 felt an immense satisfaction knowing he would be able to watch the world celebration of this event before he had to take his End Life pill. He couldn’t imagine a better way to cease living than knowing he helped bring about Humankind’s total independence from being responsible for itself.

Copyright 8 – 24 – 2022 Newsbleat/Black Sheep (pseudonym) All rights reserved. No copying or reprinting without written permission.