I haven’t been out for a walk in quite a while because it gets so hot here in summer, but the mornings are getting cooler so after watering the garden this morning I went for a walk of maybe 4 city blocks in length. Nothing major, just to get a little exercise for my legs and enjoy the cool morning air.

There were no black people to avoid, being the ones most likely to attack for no reason, in fact I didn’t cross paths with anyone at all. A few people, well apart from each other, were also walking along but several blocks ahead of me.

It was the same on the return trip, no one was around to be threatening, of any color. That didn’t stop me from carrying pepper spray in case of a loose and aggressive dog, or a pistol in case of a loose and aggressive human, of course. I mean, better safe than sorry, right?

My reason for writing about something that seems so boring is that most people can’t do what I did this morning, which is take a walk in safety on a city street. I did take a gun just in case, but I always do that simply because I’m too old now to put up a good fight without one and you never know when some jackass is seeking an easy victim.

In fact, I have a neighbor like that who thought I was going to be his easy victim until I stuck a shotgun in his face. He’s left me alone ever since, but that’s a story for another time.

Being able to walk safely on the streets of our towns and cities used to be a right. Now it’s rapidly becoming a privilege and I urge all Americans to carry a gun when out and about. The only way we’re going to keep the right to be safe is to enforce that right.

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