There is no “Make America great again”. It’s done, it’s over, and pretending that all the marbles can be put back into the box again just the way it was is total bullshit.

Why Donald Trump keeps doing this charade, holding rallies and making people think that he’s going to be President again, I don’t know unless he’s really just as crazy as the rest of them. Unless he just can’t let go of the fact that his election was stolen from him and he just can’t stop himself from trying to get that stolen election back.

Some people live only for recognition. They have to be adored, admired, applauded, and Donald Trump is one of these people. He’s a narcissist. We all know he’s a narcissist and we knew it when we elected him because he said all the right things about what was happening to our country and what he would do to fix it, and he was right, and by God he did what he said he’d do. Most of it anyway.

He never has renounced the Killer Covid Vaxx, you know. He should have, but to do so would be embarrassing for him politically and personally. He’d have to admit he was wrong, and sociopathic types just have a really bad time doing that. It just kills them to apologize or ever say they were wrong. Trump is definitely a sociopathic type. But then, most great leaders are.

It doesn’t matter. There’s not a chance in Hell that he’ll ever be President again anyway, half the Republican Congressmen are Communists now and the vote is controlled. The only people to be “elected” to high office will be those appointed by the Globalist Cabal.

There will be no MAGA. What there will be, will be children injected with drugs that sterilize them and make them sexually aberrant, homosexuality promoted and endorsed by not just schools but the heads of governments, masses of people dying from heart problems and other causes, mass starvation in Africa, plagues in Europe and so on, all with the aim of radically reducing our global population.

That’s what this is about and make no mistake about it. Nationalism isn’t dead yet but the executioners of it are on the march because national pride stands in the way of population reduction. Like it or not, this is something that needs to happen.